Vacation rentals in Poria - Neve Oved
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Top-rated vacation rentals in Poria - Neve Oved
Guests agree: these stays are highly rated for location, cleanliness, and more.
Guesthouse in Gita
4.99 out of 5 average rating, 155 reviewsOrYam/Sea light
A beautiful spacious guest cabin for couples in the community of Goethe in the Galilee. With views to the sea and cliffs, borders a magical Wadi and surrounded by green nature all around. The cabin is bright and decorated. Large and luxurious double bed, fully equipped kitchen, unique shower, and seating area overlooking the wadi from which you can go out into nature for hiking. In the courtyard of Hut Tab is pampering, under carob trees and these are beautiful, where you can sit in the hot water even on the cold days and enjoy a powerful suit. The cabin was built with lots of love while paying attention to the little details to create a place that would give the perfect experience๐ค
Guest suite in Shadmot Dvora
4.95 out of 5 average rating, 134 reviewsGem Point
Basement guest unit in Moshav Shadmot Deborah 20 minutes from the Kinneret including Mamad, Air Conditioning, Private Parking and Wireless Internet. The unit has a large space with a seating area and TV, a double bed, a dining table and a small kitchenette (which includes a mini-bar, electric kettle, double stove, toaster oven, and basic cooking utensils), one bathroom with bathtub and a single trundle room You can enjoy hiking walks around: Fountain of the Five, Stream of the Seven, Tavor Stream, and Mount Tabor, restaurants and cafes, tours of the adjacent Cherkasy village and more...
Dome in Yavne'el
5 out of 5 average rating, 145 reviewsOlive Dome - Huge Geodesic Dome Between The Olives
A geodesic dome located in an olive grove at the foot of the mountain in a private and quiet area. The house is wide, spacious, modern and special. There are strong ACs, a fully equipped kitchen, espresso machine, microwave, washing machine, an outdoor seating area with a BBQ, and a pool. The surrounding area is beautiful with natural springs and hiking trails. The Sea of โโGalilee is only a 10-minute drive away. This house was hand-built by us with love&care. We are happy to share it with you!
Cabin in Gita
4.94 out of 5 average rating, 182 reviewsGetaway_Gita. Peaceful Getaway in Galilee Mountain
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Place to stay in Migdal
4.95 out of 5 average rating, 122 reviewsBeit Gino | Gฤlilรฉe
รซลคฤงลi Galilee - Gino's House unique Guest Suite is located in a quiet and special place, with lots of nature around, among 80 years old - 9 olive trees. The location is convenient and allows quick access to all attractions in the north; Very close to the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights. You can relax in peace in all the romantic areas of the house facing the pastoral landscape; In the yard under the Pecan tree, on the spacious balcony, on the hammock or on the swings, wherever you choose.
Cabin in Amirim
4.93 out of 5 average rating, 204 reviewsThe solitary cabin
Let's keep it all and simple:) Our adorably unique cabin is located in Amirim, a quiet vegetarian village watching the Galilee from one of it's slopes. It's hidden in the woods and is perfect for the quiet and isolation seekers out there. Girls & guys, All of us should have a chance to slow down, reconnect with our inner voice, tune our vibrations and most importantly, breath. That's what the cabin is here for. It's highly recommended for yogis, artist, writers, thinkers and peace seekers.
Home in Klil
4.97 out of 5 average rating, 188 reviewsMountain view yurt Klil
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Tiny home in Shadmot Dvora
4.94 out of 5 average rating, 160 reviewsRosemary Romantic Getaway! Stone Pool | Jacuzzi
Welcome to Rosmary Getaway | An intimate and pleasant unit surrounded by nature. We invite you to enjoy a unique and romantic retreat with a jacuzzi, and a beautiful outdoor pool. View of Tabor, 20-minute drive from the Sea of Galilee. โ "Amazing little house in the beautiful valley! Clean, nothing was missing, very thoughtful little details that added to the experience!" Experience the countryside with beautiful nature surrounding and many romantic spots - wineries, restaurants & more
Guest suite in Ilaniya
5 out of 5 average rating, 121 reviewsPoint of view - Luxurious flat with a view balcony
Designed and new appartment equipped to a high standard and has a spacious living room, a fully equipped kitchen, 2 bright bedrooms and a huge balcony with a great view. Suitable for a couple / family The apartment is located in a central location in the north of the country. You can go for a walk in the hills of the area, visit a variety of sites in the nearby radius - Tiberias ,Sea of Galilee, Nazareth and the Lower Galilee or get a short drive anywhere in the north.
Apartment in Poriya Ilit
4.88 out of 5 average rating, 153 reviewsHousing unit with private garden and hot tub
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Guest suite in Timrat
5 out of 5 average rating, 128 reviewsBeautiful loft in nature
A beautiful and spacious loft with an amazing view of a natural grove. A sense of life within nature in complete privacy. Located in the Jezreel Valley in the Lower Galilee. The loft is well equipped and comfortable for a long stay. There are a number of charming seating areas in the garden and on the terrace. Close to beautiful hiking and bicycle trails. A great place for artists and writers.
Cottage in Beit Keshet
4.92 out of 5 average rating, 441 reviewsRustic winter experience - in front of the forest - sauna
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Vacation rentals for every style
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Popular amenities for Poria - Neve Oved vacation rentals
Other great vacation rentals in Poria - Neve Oved
Guesthouse in Kamon
4.97 out of 5 average rating, 70 reviewskatlav kta-love
Guesthouse in Yizrael
4.99 out of 5 average rating, 75 reviewsariel
Cabin in Amirim
4.95 out of 5 average rating, 133 reviewsThe Rose Garden - Suite with view to the Kineret
Apartment in Poria - Kfar Avoda
4.99 out of 5 average rating, 182 reviewsLake View Escape
Home in Ma'ale Gamla
4.93 out of 5 average rating, 45 reviewsVilla in the Golan - between Hermon and the Sea of Galilee
Guest suite in Alumot
4.78 out of 5 average rating, 156 reviewsNew cozy unit in Alumot 5 min to Sea of Galilee!
Cabin in Amirim
4.89 out of 5 average rating, 74 reviewsAdventure - Experience
Cabin in Ilaniya
4.98 out of 5 average rating, 43 reviewsA rural train carriage decorated in a Galilean atmosphere
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