Unique things to do in Province of Matera

Unique things to do in Province of Matera

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

All activities near Province of Matera

A private historical walk
We will walk, for about 2 hours, in the beautiful city of Matera and specifically in the districts of the Sassi. In this pleasant walk you will have the opportunity to observe the city through the eyes of a historian, who will show you not only the artistic beauties, but also the social, cultural and political value of a truly magical place. This will allow the guest of the experience to truly understand the history of the city, its internal dynamics and the global influences that have influenced the beautiful city of Matera over the centuries. We offer an enveloping story capable of thrilling young and old in the world of history and also giving you pleasant culinary advice on the goodness of the territory. In addition to the two visits (morning and afternoon) we offer the possibility to book the night tour. In this case you will have the opportunity not only to learn about the history of the territory, but also some of its mysteries and its ancient legends. Don't miss this opportunity, take advantage of it!
Guided tour in Stones of Matera Barisano and Caveoso
Enjoy a day in the Sassi of Matera and explore the ancient quarters with a guide. See a series of caves carved into the limestone and explore the Sasso Barisano and Sasso Caveoso. Start the tour at the meeting point on Via Alessandro Volta. From here, an experienced guide will lead you into the city's historic center to visit the church of San Francesco d'Assisi. Then continue the scenic tour of the city through its characteristic narrow streets and winding alleys. Reach the rock church of Sant'Antonio Abate, where you will find waiting for you a classic example of the culture and tradition of this extraordinary city. Observe a characteristic Matera cave-house, before continuing to Via Madonna delle Virtù and "Pert P'stèl" (Porta Pistoia), where you'll conclude this culture-filled experience.
Slow Food - The Patriarchs Olive Threes - The Temples of Oil
It will be an enchanted journey among the centuries-old olive trees of the Murgia Materana, following the call of the ancient Soviet olive tree. We will go through the suggestions of an archaic rite, approaching the majestic logs that bear witness to ancient stories. We'll explore the dives of an ancient farmhouse, where walls jealously guard a daily history of authentic traditions. Under the shade of centuries-old olive trees, we will taste the bread of Matera, baked by an ancient wood-burning oven, and we will accompany it with the extra virgin olive oil obtained from the same centuries-old olive trees. In an immersive workshop, we will enthusiastically prepare "la cialledda", a traditional dish that tells the meeting between the characteristic bread of Matera, now stale, and the vegetables of the Lucanian land. All will end with the sharing of this meal, just like the olive bins still do today during their breaks. And while we enjoy the prepared delights, we'll be accompanied by the enveloping sounds of popular instruments and songs that tell the material tradition. A unique and immersive experience that will make us fully experience the magic of this land and its ancient traditions.
Matera has a unique history in the world. A story of redemption, resilience and rebirth that you cannot believe true. That's why I want to tell you about it by this exclusive, immersive and dedicated experience. We will start from the very central Piazzetta Pascoli and here our journey will start back in time. We are going to visit both Sasso Caveoso and Sasso Barisano and during the visit we will touch several aspects: from art to architecture, from history to politics, passing through anthropology and plumbing engineering. We will enrich the experience with 2 reserved entrances but, above all, we will discover the true nature of the Sassi, from the origins to the present day. I bet you're looking forward to learning about the history of this wonderful city now, too. If so, I can't wait to tell you! See you soon! Keep in mind: 1 If necessary, you can do tours with customizable off calendar times. 2) The experience is held with a minimum number of 2 people. 3) Be sure to follow a guided tour with licensed and certified professionals.
Slow Food - Home Restaurant - Cook with us
For me hosting and the house is something else from the simple restaurant that can be hospitable as much as you want but you will never be able to welcome with the serene and informal coexistence of "my house". I relive my grandparents' experiences in the home of my grandparents before and after. Smells from boiling pots, voices and gestures are the same but always different from my mother and aunt who repeat rituals that have marked me unwittingly. Over time, I've accumulated a treasure trove of sensations and knowledge that weave between the countryside and the kitchen, which I am undoubtedly marked. Today, I find recipes and recipes to be seen in an effort to relive that experience: the Cicirata in chicken broth, the marinated soup, the carnival calzoni with pork sauce, the baked cloister, the rich oil, the easter scattered of cardoncelli and many others each of which have its own seasonal location. I also like to rediscover the earth's spontaneous products: marshmallows, chalkboards, cicorielle, sivoni, cardoncelli to be transformed into baked goods with Pezzente salami, meatballs, podolico caciocavallo or simply raffered bread, garlic and oil. Poor cuisine, but full of flavors. My gastronomic philosophy matches a Slow style that finds the most complete expression in conviviality. Let's get you all set!
Treasure hunt in the Sassi
We'll meet at the Castello Tramontano and we'll start getting to know to each other. I'll explain you the rules of the game, I'll give you a map with places that you need to visit as well as riddles to solve for each one. You'll need to keep both your legs and head active to solve them in 1 hour and 45 min, but the reward will be worth the effort. Not to mention that, in the research, you will have the opportunity to discover what are, in my opinion, the true gems of the city. While you go searching, I'll stay at the starting point in case you need more hints. At the end of time you'll come back where we first met and together we'll go to a nearby bar where I'll tell you the history of the places you visited. I'll offer you a coffee and together we'll open the treasure chest after decoding the key! Every one of you will receive a certificate of participation, but only the winner will get the treasure! If you're looking for a different way to get to know the city or an original way of making a gift to someone or simply enjoying yourself, this is definetely the activity for you! On request it is possible to add small gifts or tickets supplied by you to the chest. IF YOU'RE A LARGE GROUP PLEASE CONTACT ME TO ARRANGE A CUSTOMIZED DISCOUNT Free for kids < 4!
Single Traveller/Couple in Love/Family Photoshooting Matera
Are you planning a visit in the Unique MATERA in Italy? If you are a romantic couple and would like have incredible memories about you and your journey I am here for you... You will have beautiful shots during a wonderful walk in the old town !
Pasta From Apulia & dinner in garden
You will be fascinated by the anecdotes about how my grandmother prepared the pasta and what the kitchen represented in the past and in part still represent. An immersion in the real life of Puglia and Italian sociology! I will let Elisa, my friend and precous collaborator as a super expert in the Apulian pasta, communicate with the gestures and with the example; she does not speak ehglish but she will always be able to communicate with the heart and experience. And once you will be at home producing your own good food, will be precious the memory of what she showed you. I will instead communicate, if necessary at the same time, in English, Italian and French and you will probably laugh at my flights from one language to another and my role as a "slave in the kitchen of Elisa":-) allows me to tell still so much of Puglia through the many typical objects that I collect at home. The wine, the foods that I serve together with the pasta that we prepare together and that are all local and largely fruit of my organic vegetable garden, do the rest. The lunch that follows is collaborative, all peoples help and, crockery and pans in the hands, all peoples invade my house too, with my great pleasure because this allows me to tell still so much of Puglia through the many typical objects that I collect at home. The wine, the foods that I serve together with the pasta that we prepare together and that are all local and largely fruit of my organic vegetable garden, do the rest. Other things to note we speaks also in english and french
Mozzarella and Cheese Tasting with a Cheesemaker in Matera
Upon your arrival, I will offer you the typical farmer breakfast of organic dairies while introducing the history of our little family business. I will conduct you in a culinary journey to discover the processing phases of local cheeses and dairies, starting from the milk to more than 100 types of cheese. We will assist from the inside the milk processing and cooking, the typical hand mozzarella stretching, the handmade cheese production between multiple tastings, and a small surprise at the end. Other things to note If you are lactose intolerant, we suggest you taste tiny portions.
Tuor laboratorio del pane in un panificio tipico di Matera
Realizza il tuo pane con le tue mani Degusta i prodotti tipici del nostro posto Entra e scopri le tecniche del pane in un laboratorio all’interno di un antico panificio. Questo tour enogastronomico prevede un laboratorio didattico sulla lavorazione del pane con una previa presentazione e descrizione dell’azienda, attiva sul territorio da ben quattro generazioni. Il tutto inizia con la spiegazione dei prodotti utilizzati. Si prosegue con l’ingresso al laboratorio dove il mastro fornaio descriverà le tecniche di lavorazione. Durante la realizzazione delle forme del pane, gli ospiti avranno modo di mettere le mani in pasta lavorando e creando la loro pagnotta di pane che al termine della cottura potranno portare via con sé. A "ne lavorazione, gli ospiti potranno terminare con una degustazione di prodotti tipici presso un’area adibita dove potersi comodamente rilassare.
Shooting Experience in Policoro
Immagina di poter visitare un luogo, quello in cui sei in vacanza, di contemplarne lo splendore, di avere una persona del luogo che ti racconta di quei posti e immortala la tua vacanza, proponendoti degli scatti fotografici unici? Ecco cosa ti propongo. Fotografa nel sangue e viaggiatrice per passione, dopo anni di lavoro all'estero, l'amore mi ha riportata in Italia, precisamente nel luogo dove sono cresciuta, luogo che mi ha regalato scatti unici e ricchi di emozione, dentro i quali immortalerò i tuoi ricordi. Ci incontreremo nel cuore della magia del posto, presso il lungomare della cittadina. Questi luoghi sono famosi per la zona alberata e mistica, la selva che si incontra con il mare e il fantastico porto turistico definito "la piccola Venezia". Sarà proprio in questi luoghi che ti proporrò una serie di scatti a figura intera, mezzo busto, primi piani e paesaggistiche. Il luogo suggestivo, romantico e avventuroso, mi permetterà di rendere unica la tua vacanza. Specializzata negli anni in fotografia turistica, ti offro competenza e professionalità. Lasciati coinvolgere in questa esperienza unica.
Sassi di Matera, un paesaggio culturale rupestre
SASSI DI MATERA - UN PAESAGGIO CULTURALE RUPESTRE Un percorso di conoscenza dei Sassi di Matera che comprende tutti i momenti architettonici della città storica. Partendo dalla Città del Piano, ci si affaccia sul Sasso Barisano per percorrerlo fino a raggiungere il Colle della Civita con la splendida Cattedrale* romanica e da qui ci si dirige verso il Sasso Caveoso, luogo in cui è possibile rintracciare diversi complessi religiosi rupestri, oltre a testimonianze antropologiche quali case grotta, cantine, cisterne e neviere. Un percorso culturale storico-artistico, architettonico e paesaggistico-ambientale capace di stimolarci e farci riflettere sui criteri di sostenibilità delle risorse e degli elementi naturali. I tour ed i contenuti proposti sono il risultato di anni di esperienza nel settore culturale e turistico da parte di personale qualificato e legalmente abilitato allo svolgimento dei servizi offerti, il tutto, al fine di rendere il soggiorno un momento di affascinante scoperta. A conclusione dell'esperienza nei Sassi di Matera, un tuffo nei sapori della tradizione lucana attraverso una degustazione offerta in un caratteristico ambiente ipogeo. *Per la visita alla Cattedrale sarà fornita un’applicazione da ascoltare utilizzando lo smartphone personale (si consiglia l’uso di auricolari)
Tour Bus Scoperto Hop - On Bus
Visita la città di Matera con il nostro Bus Scoperto; Conoscerai i Sassi in completa comodità e avrai l'opportunità di fotografare i punti più suggestivi di questa incredibile località! tutto con app audioguida geolocalizzata e una mappa digitale. Nel dettaglio: Castello Tramontano, Matera, Italy, Via Castello Via Lanera, passaggio senza fermata; • Museo di Palazzo Lanfranchi, Piazzetta Pascoli 1, passaggio senza fermata; • Villa Comunale dell’Unita d’Italia, Via XX Settembre, passaggio senza fermata; Sassi di Matera - World Heritage Site, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, passaggio senza fermata; • Casa Grotta Sassi di Matera - C'era Una Volta, Via Madonna delle Virtu' 27,10 minuti; • Chiese rupestri Madonna delle Virtù e San Nicola dei Greci, Via Madonna delle Virtù, passaggio senza fermata; • Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, passaggio senza fermata; • Alvino 1884, Via San Vito, 28, passaggio senza fermata; • Cava Paradiso, Contrada La Palomba,20 minuti. Durerà 1h. e 20m.
Pasta and Tiramisu class in Alberobello
Learn to make the famous Pasta and Tiramisu in a Cesarina's home. Share your passion for the Italian cuisine as you make new friends in this hands-on cooking class. - NICE TO MEET YOU, FOLKS! Meet our Cesarine Luisa, Maria or Anna at home and share the warmth of Italian hospitality. - LET'S START... Enjoy an Italian Aperitivo to warm-up and then take part in the cooking class at a local home in the morning or in the afternoon. Learn how to roll 'sfoglia' (fresh pasta) by hand and how to prepare 2 simple different kinds of pasta (filled pasta + fresh pasta) from scratch with your Cesarina. As the icing on the cake, you will learn to prepare also the iconic Tiramisu. Share your passion for the Italian cuisine as you make new friends in this hands-on cooking class. It's a great way to truly experience Italian culture. - A TAVOLA! (Sit down at the table) Taste the labour of your work and vote the best cook of the day. - CIN CIN (cheers!) Toast to happiness with a glass of local wine from the territory cellars: our Cesarine offer only wines of the region. IMPORTANT NOTE - The full address of the host's home will be disclosed AFTER the reservation, please ignore the address on the airbnb map, it's only a placeholder.
Wine Tasting & Cheese Tour
Out of crowds and tourist destinations. What do you do in Puglia? You eat and drink well! Come with me to the places I discovered in my explorations. Let's drink Primitivo wine, eat delicious focaccia and cheeses, and experience the slow pace of Puglia! The real Puglia. With wine for a few, in an exclusive winery we will have an unforgettable wine tasting and a very good brunch. In the hills to discover ancient grains, homemade cheeses. A walk to see where the mozzarella is made, the real and authentic Masseria farm, where the animals live serene, as it used to be. We will taste scamorze cheeses, fresh mozzarella, A tour to discover the ancient mill, a family history, its 1950s machines and its special pasta. And how to say no to a cafe at the bar, lazy and delicious with locals? In the center of the medieval town, in the magnificence of Apulian Romanesque. Guests will need to have their own car for travel; it is necessary to move about 30 km from the meeting place. ATTENTION!! Contact me before reserve; I need to ceck availibility of peoples we will visit
  1. Airbnb
  2. Italy
  3. Basilicata
  4. Province of Matera