Unique things to do in Chile

Unique things to do in Chile

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

4X4 Adventure to the Hot Springs with BBQ under the Stars!
Discover Cajón del Maipo on an afternoon trip from Santiago. Relax in the medicinal hot springs and enjoy a traditional Chilean bbq. Head into the Andes to see a majestic valley called Cajón del Maipo during the afternoon. Cross the old train line and the Maipo river to enter Cajón del Maipo. Drive past picturesque towns before stopping at the House of Chocolate. Continue through the valley until the beautiful Veil of the Bride Waterfall. Then, go to the natural hot springs of Termas Valle de Colina. Relax in any of the 7 pools with temperatures ranging from 130ºF to 86ºF (55ºC to 30ºC), heated by the nearby volcano. Head back through the hills to several viewpoints and enjoy panoramic views of the volcano and mountains while watching the sunset. Discover our lounge in order to enjoy a Chilean barbecue of finger foods, including empanadas, pebre, olives, fruit, nuts, grilled vegetables, sausages, choripan, and beef. Enjoy as much food as you can eat, along with wines from central and southern Chile, beer, juice. Vegetarian and vegan options are also available. Once you've finished eating, lay down at the lounges while stargazing by the Campfire. Relax on the return journey to Santiago with drop-off at your hotel. @jeep_ontour IMPORTANT: 1) This tour runs on two schedules during the year: -Summer: November to April (3 pm to 1 am) -Winter Season: May to October (6 am to 5)
Prepare the famous Empanada de Pino
We will share with you a cooking class where you will learn the techniques and secrets of the famous Empanadas de Pino, a special recipe of our beloved grandmother. We will talk about the ingredients that compose it: the dough, the filling or pino (onions, meat, raisins, olives and egg) and the famous Chilean pebre (tomato, onion and coriander). We will cook the ingredients of the empanada, and we will teach you how to organize the elements to fill them, we will work the dough, cut it and make the classic shapes, then we will heat the oven to the right temperature and bake them until they are golden brown. We will also make the delicious pebre that accompanies them, and finally we will sit at the table to taste the traditional Chilean Empanada de Pino con Pebre. Ask me if you have any special needs, and we will see how we can adapt to you. We love to share with people from different cultures and we will be happy to share with you, whoever you are. @tourpersonal
Santiago Horseback Adventure: Nature and Views to Reconnect
Join me for an unforgettable horseback riding adventure in the picturesque mountains around Santiago. This experience offers the best views and a chance to learn about the local flora, fauna, and culture. We'll start with a scenic 30-40 minute drive from the city to our private ranch, nestled in the foothills of the Andes. Upon arrival, you'll meet our friendly horses and receive an introductory and safety briefing to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Over the next two hours, we'll explore various trails that provide stunning vistas of the city, native forests, and mountains. You'll also encounter local wildlife and learn about the rich geography and cultural history of the area. Whether you're a novice or an experienced rider, this tour is designed to accommodate all skill levels. You'll not only enjoy the beauty of the trails but also receive a lesson on riding techniques, safety tips, and how to confidently navigate up and down hills. To cap off our adventure, we'll relax back at the ranch with a glass of fine wine, cheese, and snacks. This is a wonderful opportunity to unwind and share stories with locals and fellow travelers. I'm also very flexible with scheduling, so feel free to reach out if you need to arrange a different time. I look forward to riding with you and sharing this incredible experience!
Porteños For One Day, Discover Authentic & Famous Valparaíso
This tour starts in Muelle Prat, Valparaíso. 10 AM "AUTHENTIC VALPARAÍSO" The city without masks or makeup! You will visit the fish markets to share with artisanal fishermen in "Caleta Portales" with the company of sea lions, pelicans and seagulls; Then we will take a "micro" to move to the busy and noisy vegetable market called "El Cardonal" to explore its surroundings and share with the cooks who will be preparing the most typical Chilean food at that time of day. After that, we will cross the entire city in an electric trolleybus to reach Mercado Puerto, located in the heart of the old town. There you'll see some local art and handicrafts, wine stores, gourmet products and much more. 1 PM STOP FOR LUNCH 2 PM: "FAMOUS VALPARAÍSO" Discover what makes the city unique and special! We start climbing the hills in a traditional funicular to reach Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepción. Then we walk through the cobbled and most picturesque corners of the city. Art galleries, street art, ancient churches and colorful streets will make you fall in love with this vibrant city. The promenades will be the perfect places to share with some local artists and enjoy one of our main riches: the view! You will learn about the influence of European immigrants after the independence of Chile and how Valparaíso became one of the main ports of South America!
Hiking, Rio, Bahai Temple, Two Experiences in Una Santiago
Esta experiencia son 2 experiencias en 1!!: 1° Realizaremos una caminata entre 2 cordones montañosos donde caminaremos a través de la sombra de un bosque esclerófilo rodeado de árboles nativos de Chile. La inclinación es progresiva mientras nos internamos en las montañas. El principal objetivo es disfrutar de la naturaleza, las vistas a las montañas de la cordillera de Los Andes, pasaremos por un lindo mirador y iremos luego a orillas del río donde hay agua limpia y clara proveniente de las montañas. Puedes refrescarte en Verano!:) La duración de la caminata es de no más de 1 hora hasta el mirador. Si hay más personas en el grupo iremos al paso de la persona más lenta. Es un trekking Fácil y cualquier persona lo puede lograr! Sí tienes mucha experiencia o expectativa en hiking quizás esto no es para ti. 2°: Iremos al Templo Bahá'í Continental de América del Sur donde conoceremos y disfrutaremos de el templo, la paz y tranquilidad del lugar disfrutando de una increíble vista a la ciudad y las montañas! Beberemos un café o un té y luego iremos al punto de encuentro donde nos reunimos por la mañana. Otros aspectos destacables Necesitas tener una condición física normal y ser capaz de caminar con un poco de subida. Algo de experiencia en caminatas. No tener problemas de salud o cardiácos. No beber alcohol la noche anterior a la aventura. Buen calzado.

All activities near Chile

4X4 Adventure to the Hot Springs with BBQ under the Stars!
Discover Cajón del Maipo on an afternoon trip from Santiago. Relax in the medicinal hot springs and enjoy a traditional Chilean bbq. Head into the Andes to see a majestic valley called Cajón del Maipo during the afternoon. Cross the old train line and the Maipo river to enter Cajón del Maipo. Drive past picturesque towns before stopping at the House of Chocolate. Continue through the valley until the beautiful Veil of the Bride Waterfall. Then, go to the natural hot springs of Termas Valle de Colina. Relax in any of the 7 pools with temperatures ranging from 130ºF to 86ºF (55ºC to 30ºC), heated by the nearby volcano. Head back through the hills to several viewpoints and enjoy panoramic views of the volcano and mountains while watching the sunset. Discover our lounge in order to enjoy a Chilean barbecue of finger foods, including empanadas, pebre, olives, fruit, nuts, grilled vegetables, sausages, choripan, and beef. Enjoy as much food as you can eat, along with wines from central and southern Chile, beer, juice. Vegetarian and vegan options are also available. Once you've finished eating, lay down at the lounges while stargazing by the Campfire. Relax on the return journey to Santiago with drop-off at your hotel. @jeep_ontour IMPORTANT: 1) This tour runs on two schedules during the year: -Summer: November to April (3 pm to 1 am) -Winter Season: May to October (6 am to 5)
Free Walking tour Santiago/tours em santiago
Get to know Santiago with personalized and entertaining tours, exploring the most interesting that that city can offer us as its customs meals and activities. All with the idea of bringing a unique experience to travelers according to their tastes and needs, the walk can last approximately 2 and a half hours, the meeting point is in the Plaza de Armas in front of the National Historical Museum. That tour has a minimum booking cost and is designed as a Free walking tour, where everyone can leave tips to the Guide in the end of the Tour
Trekking Valle de La Junta, Cochamó
Desde tu lugar de hospedaje en Puerto Varas nos dirigimos con dirección a Cochamó, específicamente al punto de inicio del sendero que nos llevará a nuestro destino con un recorrido total de 13 km de ascenso. Comenzaremos a orillas del Río Cochamó y lo bordearemos durante todo el trayecto, inmersos en una frondosa vegetación y un sendero de terreno muy irregular. Después de 4.5 horas aprox. de ascenso llegamos a nuestro destino el Valle La Junta en donde apreciaremos sus grandes cerros que nos muestran sus imponentes paredes de granito. Visitaremos y disfrutaremos de los Toboganes recorriendo también el valle, descansaremos y podremos nadar en las cristalinas aguas de los toboganes según la temporada de visita. Comenzaremos nuestro regreso caminando alrededor de 4 horas aprox. hasta llegar al transporte que nos regresará a Puerto Varas. NOTA 1: Consultar por más fechas disponibles. NOTA 2: Consulta por más actividades que no están publicadas en Airbnb.
Recorre el Barrio Italia con un perro rescatado
En Chile existe un grave problema de abandono de mascotas, por ello junto a mi familia, desde el año 2012, llevamos adelante una Fundación de Rescate Animal llamada Garras y Patas. En este recorrido nos acompañara uno de nuestros rescatados de 4 patas, llamado CONCON. Visitaremos un barrio precioso de Santiago, llamado BARRIO ITALIA, ES UN BARRIO PET FRIENDLY, en el cual les contare el problema de sobrepoblación de mascotas abandonadas en Chile, sus consecuencias y actuales avances, mientras admiramos la arquitectura, murales, grafitis, tiendas y hermosa decoración del barrio, sus bares, restaurantes y tiendas. El recorrido incluye una un helado muy particular y una cerveza. ¿Te animas?
Trekking Parque Nacional Alerce Andino
Desde su lugar de hospedaje nos dirigimos con dirección a Puerto Montt para tomar la ruta que sigue la Carretera Austral. Al llegar al parque comenzaremos un recorrido por la envolvente vegetación valdiviana. Visitaremos el Salto del Río Chaica, veremos diferentes especies del bosque nativo y los emblemáticos Alerces milenarios del parque, como también aves que nos deleitarán con su canto. Llegaremos a nuestra primera parada en Laguna Chaiquenes, descansaremos unos minutos para continuar con nuestra segunda parte del recorrido terminando en nuestro destino principal la Laguna Triangulo, disfrutaremos de un rico snack y recuperar energías para nuestro regreso. Descenderemos por la misma ruta hasta el punto de inicio para comenzar nuestro retorno a Puerto Varas. NOTA 1: Consultar por más fechas disponibles. NOTA 2: Consulta por más actividades que no están publicadas en Airbnb.
Horseback riding in rural Patagonia
Discover Chilean Patagonia like the gauchos, on horseback! Your guide will explain you how to best communicate with your horse, talk about the local culture, and you will discover sensational landscapes. Program : - Participants arrive independently to our stables, 25 min from Puerto Natales. We will discover our horses, prepare ourselves and get on the horse. - Horse riding and safety instructions, beginning of the excursion. We will enter and roam the authentic Estancia (ranch) Lucia, which is dedicated to cattle breeding. We will be passing through woods, crossing rivers, up and down hill, reaching beautiful viewpoint of the surroundings. You will be immersed into rural Chilean Patagonia and learn about its way of life. - Come back to the starting point, end of the tour. Experience includes : - A nice, well-trained horse Equipment: comfortable saddle, gaiters, helmet - Basic training to learn how to manage your horse safely - Entrance fee to Estancia Lucia - Guided by a professional horse specialist, speaking Spanish, English, French and WFR certified (first aid) - Guarantee of a small amount of participants in your ride. Additional information: - Estimated tour duration: 3h00min. - Difficulty : medium. Does not require experience on horseback, follow the safety instructions. - You can bring a carrot or an apples as a reward for your horse if you like.
Horseback Riding with Connection Experience
We'll meet at the equestrian center and after a meet and greet, go strait to the horses. My horses are very perceptive of the energies, I like letting them choose the rider. We’ll do a couple of grounded exercises and then we’ll go to the barn to brush and tack the horse. Here I like promoting having a deeper connection with the horse. When the horse is ready, we’ll go to the arena for some instructions before leaving the barn. Depending on your riding level, we will have a lovely canter/trot/walk on the Patagonian fields… Anyone can come and enjoy the experience, but previous riding experience is desired… my horses were not trained for tourism, they expect an instruction and if not given one, they’ll try to turn around or start eating grass. We will be on the saddle about 1,5hours. The rest of the time is spent with the horse from the ground.
Make your own ring
There are 2 students per workshop and it lasts approximately 3:30 hours, where you will leave with a ring finished. The workshop includes all materials and tools (tools provided for the duration of the workshop). It will take place in Providencia (sector Luis Thayer Ojeda with Eliodoro Yañez). There is parking and it is approximately a 15-minute walk from the Colón metro. See you! :D
Instagrameable photography in Santiago
We will meet at Agustinas Starbucks 1161. Our photo session will last two and a half hours. We will visit different historical points of the center of Santiago to take photoshoot. I will take the photographs according to your style. I will propose ideas of poses that look as natural as possible. We will capture wonderful and unforgettable memories in your visit to Santiago. In the 2 and a half hours, we will go up to 6 different locations for the photo shoot. For this photo shoot I will use the Canon 80D (last generation in professional cameras). They will be given 30 professionally edited photos. You can learn more about my work in my accounts: Instagram: @by_haydee (personal) @ph_haydee (photographer) If you have other places in mind for the photo shoot, you can write me hcamposg@uft.edu and we can do a session according to your preference. Other things to note You can bring different outfits that are easy to change. Hats, glasses, kimonos, wallets, etc. This will make each photo look different.
Get to know Chile's natural surroundings within walking distance of Santiago
Come and visit the Quebrada Macul Natural Park. Nice and interesting place minutes from Santiago. In this experience you can experience the mountain and nature near Santiago, with beautiful views of its hills and landscapes. I will pick you up early at the Quilín Metro Station on Line 4, then head to the Quebrada de Macul. We will begin the ascent at the foot of Cerros San Ramon and Punta de Damas. We will start the experience by touring a forest of peumos and litres, on the shores of a stream, then follow our tour and try to reach the waterfall that is located in the interior of the Quebrada de Macul. I will show you the different types of birds in the industry, you will learn how to identify them and recognize them for their songs and sounds. You will learn about various types of native plants, as well as their uses and various properties. Chile has been described as "a place of corners" and in this experience you will have the opportunity to get to know some of these corners in a different way. Get to know the nature of Chile, steps from Santiago!
Prepare the famous Empanada de Pino
We will share with you a cooking class where you will learn the techniques and secrets of the famous Empanadas de Pino, a special recipe of our beloved grandmother. We will talk about the ingredients that compose it: the dough, the filling or pino (onions, meat, raisins, olives and egg) and the famous Chilean pebre (tomato, onion and coriander). We will cook the ingredients of the empanada, and we will teach you how to organize the elements to fill them, we will work the dough, cut it and make the classic shapes, then we will heat the oven to the right temperature and bake them until they are golden brown. We will also make the delicious pebre that accompanies them, and finally we will sit at the table to taste the traditional Chilean Empanada de Pino con Pebre. Ask me if you have any special needs, and we will see how we can adapt to you. We love to share with people from different cultures and we will be happy to share with you, whoever you are. @tourpersonal
Santiago Horseback Adventure: Nature and Views to Reconnect
Join me for an unforgettable horseback riding adventure in the picturesque mountains around Santiago. This experience offers the best views and a chance to learn about the local flora, fauna, and culture. We'll start with a scenic 30-40 minute drive from the city to our private ranch, nestled in the foothills of the Andes. Upon arrival, you'll meet our friendly horses and receive an introductory and safety briefing to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Over the next two hours, we'll explore various trails that provide stunning vistas of the city, native forests, and mountains. You'll also encounter local wildlife and learn about the rich geography and cultural history of the area. Whether you're a novice or an experienced rider, this tour is designed to accommodate all skill levels. You'll not only enjoy the beauty of the trails but also receive a lesson on riding techniques, safety tips, and how to confidently navigate up and down hills. To cap off our adventure, we'll relax back at the ranch with a glass of fine wine, cheese, and snacks. This is a wonderful opportunity to unwind and share stories with locals and fellow travelers. I'm also very flexible with scheduling, so feel free to reach out if you need to arrange a different time. I look forward to riding with you and sharing this incredible experience!
Porteños For One Day, Discover Authentic & Famous Valparaíso
This tour starts in Muelle Prat, Valparaíso. 10 AM "AUTHENTIC VALPARAÍSO" The city without masks or makeup! You will visit the fish markets to share with artisanal fishermen in "Caleta Portales" with the company of sea lions, pelicans and seagulls; Then we will take a "micro" to move to the busy and noisy vegetable market called "El Cardonal" to explore its surroundings and share with the cooks who will be preparing the most typical Chilean food at that time of day. After that, we will cross the entire city in an electric trolleybus to reach Mercado Puerto, located in the heart of the old town. There you'll see some local art and handicrafts, wine stores, gourmet products and much more. 1 PM STOP FOR LUNCH 2 PM: "FAMOUS VALPARAÍSO" Discover what makes the city unique and special! We start climbing the hills in a traditional funicular to reach Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepción. Then we walk through the cobbled and most picturesque corners of the city. Art galleries, street art, ancient churches and colorful streets will make you fall in love with this vibrant city. The promenades will be the perfect places to share with some local artists and enjoy one of our main riches: the view! You will learn about the influence of European immigrants after the independence of Chile and how Valparaíso became one of the main ports of South America!
Hiking, Rio, Bahai Temple, Two Experiences in Una Santiago
Esta experiencia son 2 experiencias en 1!!: 1° Realizaremos una caminata entre 2 cordones montañosos donde caminaremos a través de la sombra de un bosque esclerófilo rodeado de árboles nativos de Chile. La inclinación es progresiva mientras nos internamos en las montañas. El principal objetivo es disfrutar de la naturaleza, las vistas a las montañas de la cordillera de Los Andes, pasaremos por un lindo mirador y iremos luego a orillas del río donde hay agua limpia y clara proveniente de las montañas. Puedes refrescarte en Verano!:) La duración de la caminata es de no más de 1 hora hasta el mirador. Si hay más personas en el grupo iremos al paso de la persona más lenta. Es un trekking Fácil y cualquier persona lo puede lograr! Sí tienes mucha experiencia o expectativa en hiking quizás esto no es para ti. 2°: Iremos al Templo Bahá'í Continental de América del Sur donde conoceremos y disfrutaremos de el templo, la paz y tranquilidad del lugar disfrutando de una increíble vista a la ciudad y las montañas! Beberemos un café o un té y luego iremos al punto de encuentro donde nos reunimos por la mañana. Otros aspectos destacables Necesitas tener una condición física normal y ser capaz de caminar con un poco de subida. Algo de experiencia en caminatas. No tener problemas de salud o cardiácos. No beber alcohol la noche anterior a la aventura. Buen calzado.
Full day Casablanca, Valparaíso y Viña del Mar
Nos iremos de Santiago hacia la V Región pasando por el Valle de Casablanca, donde haremos una parada para conocer y degustar Viña Mar, bodega dedicada a los espumantes y vinos, sus instalaciones te harán desconectarte de la rutina y el caos de la capital, en un ambiente relajado, dónde la vid y sus montañas te invitan a quedarte Posteriormente nos iremos a recorrer la hermosa ciudad de Valparaíso, donde te enamorará sus colores, cultura e historia. Te llamará la atención, lugares destacados como son: los ascensores El Peral y Reina Victoria, el paseo Yugoslavo que nos muestra una espléndida vista de la ciudad, la escalera Piano, Paseo Atkinson con sus deslumbrantes murales. Finalmente nos trasladaremos a la ciudad de Viña del Mar, visitaremos su famoso reloj de flores, sentiremos el calor del sol en playa abarca, para terminar con un recorrido por la costa Viñamarina Una aventura que no te puedes perder, que te sacará de la monotonía, y activará todos tus sentidos. Te esperamos
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