Unique things to do in Pinar del Rio

Unique things to do in Pinar del Rio

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

Experience my authentic Viñales
HOLA! I'm Changa, Omar's brother & your guide! I invite you to a corner of Cuba that most visitors don't experience. A rural family run tobacco farm - NOT one of the touristic ones! We meet at the entrance to the National Park, mount my horses (don't worry - they're the best in the valley, I treat them like my family). We ride approx 30 minutes to visit a hidden cave (NOTE: this activity is weather dependent & will be decided on the day of your experience ). Bring a torch, and swimwear if you're feeling adventurous! Now we ride to our tobacco farm! We spend some time here; we show you around the crops, before heading inside the tobacco drying house where you'll be shown how we roll the world famous cigars and how to smoke them - naturally with a swig or two of rum for the full Cuban effect! Here we also try local honey, coffee & rum that we make here in Viñales. It's lunchtime, al-fresco! Home-cooked, typical Cuban food: rice, beans, seasonal vegetables, root vegetables like malanga or yucca, and the dish of the day: eg chicken/lamb/'ropa vieja'. *Drinks aren't included - I recommend the mojito!! *Vegetarian/vegan/any other dietary requirements, we can happily accommodate! But please let me know beforehand, so we can prepare We then ride our noble steeds to where we started, enjoying the endless views, taking all the photos, and enjoying our time!
Adventure on horseback in Viñales
We will find ourselves in front of the church of Plaza Viñales and we will go to where the horses are. During the ride you will enjoy the beauty of our valleys, its flora and its fauna. We will also visit the farm of a family, so they can share their experiences and tell you about the processes of their main plantations such as tobacco, coffee and other crops. You will know the typical rum of the region as well as potatoes, mango and avocado. We will continue enjoying the landscape until we reach a lake where we can bathe and refresh ourselves, as well as drink some juice or cocktail. If you wish, you can have lunch in a rustic restaurant in the area, with typical dishes of the region and a wonderful view of the mountains. Upon return, we will enjoy a relaxing ride. Other things to note I recommend you bring your camera, sunscreen, swimsuit. I can also help with the transfer Havana to Viñales, by taxi, the price is not included in the payment made, it must be in cash to the taxi.
Discover the magic of Viñales back horse-riding
We propose to offer a horseback excursion through the Valley in total contact with nature and in a recreational environment. During our tour we will make stops in different places, where the guests will be able to take pictures of the best views of the Valley, share with the peasants and residents of the area, bathe in a natural lake to cool off the temperatures. If you wish you can enjoy a picnic lunch.
Discover Viñales and the sunrise with Luis Miguel
The excursións that I offer include the sunrise from the mountains, we will visit the houses of curing and the plantations of tobacco, and learn about cigar process and traditions, and at the same time we will be able to enjoy the flora and the fauna and nature of the majestic valley of Viñales ; also we can appreciate in first person the life of the cuban farmers and traditions, visit obliged will be the mountain of the aquaticos, a full place of history and with ones of the nices view of Viñales, along the space traveled we will converse with producers of coffee and honey, in authentic places of high cultural tradition. (If you are interesting in the sunrise tour the date and Start time is not in the calendar because sunrise time change by the days , so you can book , for example the 5:00 am to 8:30 am tour , and contact with me then I will tell you the royal exact time to start the sunrise tour.)
Discover the rock whisperer
We will meet at my house in the center of Viñales and from there we will start our experience in the mountains. For beginners, an explanation of the safety rules will be made and we will choose some routes to climb that will be appropriate for everyone depending on their level. Experts or not, everyone will have the opportunity to climb several routes to the top of a mogote or mountain. From there, you can take a break to enjoy the beautiful view of the Viñales Valley. We will climb as many routes as you wish during our time together. To end our adventure, we can stop at a local farm to enjoy natural juice or a mojito. Notes: The total price of the activity is 40 USD per person, you must pay 5 usd in Airbnb and the rest in cash (USD, EUR, CUP) on the day of the experience. We can coordinate a roundtrip taxi from Havana if you need it for an extra cost.

All activities near Pinar del Rio

Experience my authentic Viñales
HOLA! I'm Changa, Omar's brother & your guide! I invite you to a corner of Cuba that most visitors don't experience. A rural family run tobacco farm - NOT one of the touristic ones! We meet at the entrance to the National Park, mount my horses (don't worry - they're the best in the valley, I treat them like my family). We ride approx 30 minutes to visit a hidden cave (NOTE: this activity is weather dependent & will be decided on the day of your experience ). Bring a torch, and swimwear if you're feeling adventurous! Now we ride to our tobacco farm! We spend some time here; we show you around the crops, before heading inside the tobacco drying house where you'll be shown how we roll the world famous cigars and how to smoke them - naturally with a swig or two of rum for the full Cuban effect! Here we also try local honey, coffee & rum that we make here in Viñales. It's lunchtime, al-fresco! Home-cooked, typical Cuban food: rice, beans, seasonal vegetables, root vegetables like malanga or yucca, and the dish of the day: eg chicken/lamb/'ropa vieja'. *Drinks aren't included - I recommend the mojito!! *Vegetarian/vegan/any other dietary requirements, we can happily accommodate! But please let me know beforehand, so we can prepare We then ride our noble steeds to where we started, enjoying the endless views, taking all the photos, and enjoying our time!
Dia de playa en Cayo Jutias
Con este traslado a Cayo Jutías desde Viñales disfrutaras de este paraiso en la costa norte de Cuba. ¡Un día de relax en una de las playas más bonitas del Caribe! Os recogeremos en vuestro hostal a la hora indicada (8.00 a 8.30 am) y comenzaremos una ruta por carretera de una hora y media hasta alcanzar Cayo Jutías. Una vez que lleguemos a nuestro destino, tendréis entre 5 y 6 horas de tiempo libre para que disfrutes con este paraje natural tan impresionante. ¿Sabíais que es uno de los principales cayos que conforman el famoso archipiélago de Los Colorados? Si teneis apetito, en este pequeño remanso de paz y de tranquilidad, también podréis degustar por vuestra cuenta la especialidad del cayo: la langosta. Además, si traéis vuestra máscara de snorkel, podréis descubrir las magníficas estrellas de mar gigantes que habitan en el fondo marino. ¡Un tesoro poco frecuente que abunda en la zona! Transcurrido el tiempo libre, emprenderemos la ruta de regreso sobre las 16.00 - 16.30 pm. Tras otra hora y media de viaje, habremos llegado a Viñales. La llegada a vuestro hotel está prevista 10 horas después de la recogida. Muy importante: este trasfer se realiza en taxis que son compartidos con otros clientes. Estos taxis tienen un horario de salida y un horario de retorno. Si usted desea que estos horarios sean modificados, usted debe realizar una reserva privada.
Viñales Sunrises
We start from our meeting point and we move towards the Valley of Viñales, during the darkness of the night, the stars and the crowing of the roosters we begin the excursion towards the mountains, we walk approximately 50 minutes until we reach a welcoming family from the mountain where we will enjoy our first natural coffee or natural juice and then continue to the point where we can appreciate the Dawn of the Viñales Valley. After this wonderful sight we visit a small farm to learn about their culture and tradition, as well as their ways of life. It is a family that produces Café Criollo, together with them you will be able to learn about its process and make your own coffee in the most traditional Cuban style. At the end of our visit we return by a route with extensive vegetation and panoramic views of our Cuban landscapes. During the excursion you will receive a broad explanation about our valley and other doubts that you have accumulated. We hope you enjoy it. Important: In this experience you will need a taxi that is not included and costs 10 euros total service. Start time: between 5.20am and 6am
Horseback riding, Traditions and Ecological Culture in the Valley
Visitaremos paisajes auténticos del Valle de Viñales. Disfrutaremos de increíbles vistas panorámicas, mogotes (montañas), cuevas naturales y fincas ecologicas donde presenciaran el proceso del Tabaco, Ron, Miel y Café. Esta experiencia te ayudara a comprender las tradiciones que convierten el Valle de Viñales en Patrimonio Mundial y Paisaje Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco desde 1999. Con un guia local podran conocer cómo viven las familias cubanas, apreciar valores tradicionales conservados como las casas rusticas de guano y madera,el uso de bueyes para preparar las tierras, conoceras cultivos como malanga, yuca, boniato,maíz, además recibirás mucha información de los procesos ecologicos usados en la zona por ser ademas Reseva de la Biofera de Cuba, en la cueva a visitar en el programa pueden apreciar los ciclos geológico que existen en la cordillera de Guaniganico. Tambien ofertamos servicios gastronómicos en los destinos a visitar, será siempre acompañado por el anfitrión y estare pendiente de la integridad física y siempre dispuesto para cuálquier información sobre la experiencia de la cabalgata.
Adventure on horseback in Viñales
We will find ourselves in front of the church of Plaza Viñales and we will go to where the horses are. During the ride you will enjoy the beauty of our valleys, its flora and its fauna. We will also visit the farm of a family, so they can share their experiences and tell you about the processes of their main plantations such as tobacco, coffee and other crops. You will know the typical rum of the region as well as potatoes, mango and avocado. We will continue enjoying the landscape until we reach a lake where we can bathe and refresh ourselves, as well as drink some juice or cocktail. If you wish, you can have lunch in a rustic restaurant in the area, with typical dishes of the region and a wonderful view of the mountains. Upon return, we will enjoy a relaxing ride. Other things to note I recommend you bring your camera, sunscreen, swimsuit. I can also help with the transfer Havana to Viñales, by taxi, the price is not included in the payment made, it must be in cash to the taxi.
Discover the magic of Viñales back horse-riding
We propose to offer a horseback excursion through the Valley in total contact with nature and in a recreational environment. During our tour we will make stops in different places, where the guests will be able to take pictures of the best views of the Valley, share with the peasants and residents of the area, bathe in a natural lake to cool off the temperatures. If you wish you can enjoy a picnic lunch.
Excursion on horseback or walking, Viñales
Continuation (previous reading) ... During that time we have done all kinds of work in the field, from growing tobacco, coffee, corn, beans, rice to livestock. After finishing my studies I (Mario) currently live in the village but part of my family still lives and works in the field among them the Guides. Do not miss this experience guided by authentic farmers, we also offer the same adventure that others promise but at the best price. We will show you the Viñales National Park from our humble point of view, you will do it on horseback or walking as you prefer, you will visit farms and tobacco cultivation houses where the process of growing tobacco and coffee as well as honey will be explained to you, and We will also visit lakes where you can take a bath if you prefer, we will be very close to the majestic mogotes where you can visit a cave and appreciate views of the beautiful Valleys. Only if you wish and as an additional option always upon request the following: If your group wishes to have lunch or dinner, you can contact us to place the order, a typical peasant lunch will be reserved for an additional price of 10.00 CUC per person. Other things to note The reservation is on horseback by default, if you prefer to do the walking tour you should only inform the host through a message. We can help you organize taxis from Havana.
Discover Viñales and the sunrise with Luis Miguel
The excursións that I offer include the sunrise from the mountains, we will visit the houses of curing and the plantations of tobacco, and learn about cigar process and traditions, and at the same time we will be able to enjoy the flora and the fauna and nature of the majestic valley of Viñales ; also we can appreciate in first person the life of the cuban farmers and traditions, visit obliged will be the mountain of the aquaticos, a full place of history and with ones of the nices view of Viñales, along the space traveled we will converse with producers of coffee and honey, in authentic places of high cultural tradition. (If you are interesting in the sunrise tour the date and Start time is not in the calendar because sunrise time change by the days , so you can book , for example the 5:00 am to 8:30 am tour , and contact with me then I will tell you the royal exact time to start the sunrise tour.)
Day trip in small group
Horseback ride in the Viñales Valleys. Visit of "Los Acuáticos Montaña", where we will get off the horse to climb the mountain, for ~ 1,5km. to discover one of the last families who can explain their uncommon beliefs about the therapeutic properties of water to heal, as well as to taste a "guarapo" sugar cane juice. All of it with a beautiful view of the valley. We will visit a natural lake where you can swim, a tobacco plantation where the explanations of the planting process and fabrication will be taught by a farmer, born in the valley. You will also discover the plantations of coffee and have the explanations of the different processes and plantations, as well as the Guayabita del Pinar (Rhum traditional del Pinar del Río) and honey of the valley. You will immerse yourself in a typical Cuban setting, the Palmarito Valley is a natural site and protected by Unesco. 8-hour tour, total ~4 hours on the horse. You will end the day with a traditional Cuban dinner in the family house of José-Manuel. Other things to note IF THE PROPOSED DATES DO NOT SUIT YOU, contact us for an arrangement. You will have the opportunity to buy cigars and honey tasted directly to the farmer. Group of maximum 6 people! If Chrystel can be with you photos of your excursion, and for free!
Discover the rock whisperer
We will meet at my house in the center of Viñales and from there we will start our experience in the mountains. For beginners, an explanation of the safety rules will be made and we will choose some routes to climb that will be appropriate for everyone depending on their level. Experts or not, everyone will have the opportunity to climb several routes to the top of a mogote or mountain. From there, you can take a break to enjoy the beautiful view of the Viñales Valley. We will climb as many routes as you wish during our time together. To end our adventure, we can stop at a local farm to enjoy natural juice or a mojito. Notes: The total price of the activity is 40 USD per person, you must pay 5 usd in Airbnb and the rest in cash (USD, EUR, CUP) on the day of the experience. We can coordinate a roundtrip taxi from Havana if you need it for an extra cost.
Horseback Riding Sunset, All Inclusive
Horseback riding will help you get in touch with Cuban traditions and customs. We will discover the secrets of tobacco on my family's farm, where you will learn about the handmade Cuban cigar twist and you will have the opportunity to smoke a cigar accompanied by one or two drinks of rum; peasant tradition! Here we will spend some time walking around the property to get to know our animals and of course we will show you the crops. We will visit the arabico coffee plantation where the completely handmade coffee production is shown, we will try the fresh honey from our farm and enjoy a local rum called Guayabita del Pinar. After this, we will ride the horses again to visit a natural viewpoint hidden among the mountains with a beautiful panoramic view. After having explored the valley between the Cordillera de los Órganos, we will see the sunset; while the Chef prepares us the traditional Cuban food and a natural fruit juice that are grown in this estate. During the tour you can take photos and make videos; if you crave! Relax and have an unforgettable experience with a Cuban Cowboy! Note The price of the tour is 25 euros per person. You must pay 5 euros on Airbnb and 20 euros or usd per person in cash on the day of the experience. We coordinate taxi from Habana and back on the same day, not included
Cooking with Yusi
En esta experiencia les abriré las puertas de mi hogar y les enseñare la forma de vida de la familia cubana. Para ello nos encontraremos en casa y comenzaremos con una charla para presentarnos y decidir las recetas que realizaremos en el día dependiendo de lo que tengamos en la despensa. Les enseñare recetas tradicionales las cuales he aprendido de mis familiares y anteriores generaciones. Veremos las diferentes formas de confeccionar los platos y escogeremos la que más nos agrade. Mientras vamos cocinando charlaremos un poco sobre mi historia y podremos compartir un cóctel, un jugo o un buen café. Al final habremos preparado una deliciosa cena cubana y la degustaremos en compañía de la familia. Otros aspectos destacables Cualquier duda o ayuda que necesiten para llegar a la casa yo estaré en la mayor disposición de ayudarles y cualquier pregunta sobre lo que realizaremos estare dispuesta a contestarles
Visit to Casa de Tabaco on horseback
The tour will begin with a reception at Villa Natali, where we will enjoy a delicious Cuban coffee and / or a delicious natural fruit juice. The horses, guided by Noel, will begin their journey through the most beautiful trails of the Valley of Viñales, will have the opportunity to visit 3 Valleys on the same tour, which will take us close to the beautiful Mural of Prehistory, then we will be visiting a beautiful natural lake that springs from springs, we continue our trip to tobacco plantations, tobacco houses, where we will make a stop on the way to know the secrets of the art of twisting a good Cuban cigar, shown by the best farmers of the area, with High experience in the cultivation of the plant, we will enjoy the aroma of a tobacco flavored with honey. We continue trips through the valley, we arrive to the cafeteria, a delicious cup of Cuban coffee and a drink of Guayabita del Pinar rum awaits us. We return with a backpack full of experiences, photos, joy and much knowledge about the Palmarito Valley: its nature, vegetation, animal life, customs and its most precious treasures: Authentic Cuban cigars. Other things to note If it is the first time you ride a horse then do not feel fear or fear we work with experienced guides and well trained horses. Small children can come in the company of their parents.
Incredible Sunrise in the Acuatic Mountain, Viñales
You like sunrises (Sunrise), because you are in the right place, we organize an exceptional experience towards "Los acuaticos" we are a native family of viñales and we know the valley like no one else, so we can assure you that it is the best sunrise view of all Valley. All you need is to be at the meeting point at 5:00 AM, there you will take a means of transportation (usually a horse-drawn carriage), and together with the guide you will start the trip to a place near the trail at the foot of the mountain, there you will leave the transport and will begin to advance up the mountain path, the path is not dangerous, but it will require a little physical effort on your part, since it will be a very steep slope, nothing like a little exercise in the morning right? :), you will arrive at a house located at the end of the path where you will get your prize “an incredible sunrise next to pure nature in all its splendor as well as being able to accompany it all with an exquisite cup of Creole coffee. After enjoying the sunrise we will return around 8:00 AM and arrive at the town around 9:00 AM.
Lever du soleil depuis Los Acuáticos
Notre guide viendra vous chercher en taxi à votre casa particular à Viñales, pour rejoindre le pied de la montagne “Los Acuáticos” . Depuis ce point nous commencerons une petite marche de ~3 kilomètres, pour rejoindre le point de vue pour l’observation du lever du soleil. Durant le lever du soleil vous allez pouvoir goûter au "Guarapo", jus de canne à sucre ou à un café cubain. Une fois le soleil dehors nous redescendrons la montagne pour reprendre le taxi qui vous ramènera à votre casa particular. Le départ de votre casa particular sera entre : ~ 4:00 et 5:30am (ceci dépend de la saison). Durée total de l’excursion : ~3h Other things to note La marche jusqu'au point de vue n'est pas très longue, et tout à fait réalisable pour tout le monde. Les enfants peuvent totalement la réaliser ainsi que les personnes plus âgées. Nous partons tôt pour avoir le temps de monter en faisant des pauses, alors ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pouvez le faire!