Unique things to do in Oaxaca

Unique things to do in Oaxaca

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

Oaxacan Vegetarian Cooking Class
The Vegetarian Oaxacan Cooking Class, a class in English and Spanish, we will take a tour through a beautiful traditional neighborhood of Oaxaca, lend you a "chiquigüite and mandil" occupied to go to the market traditionally, we will take a tour of the Mercado neighborhood, we will pass the most beautiful churches and we will walk through parks overlooked by beautiful trees, pink, green and yellow quarry houses, I will show you beautiful parks of the colonial neighborhood and secret parks of this area of the city. In the middle of our tour we will meet some fresh organic vegetable and vegetable producers from a village near the city grown organically and harvested in the morning, then we will visit some producers in the neighborhood market, taste some snacks and buy some supplies for our Oaxacan vegetarian cooking class. We will return to our starting point to start the class and provide all the information on our menu, we will prepare everything fresh, a main course, a salad, water and even a dessert and all taken care of by a traditional stove. We will share the food and thank the mother earth and all the presenters, as well as the flavors of Oaxaca and diverse. Other things to note This cooking class was developed through deep research with people who specialize in pre-hispanic food, and we seek to spread the heritage value of Oaxacan vegetarian food.
Guided tour in the old neighborhoods of Oaxaca
Discover Oaxaca de Juárez through a tour that delves into art, history, and geography. As a specialized guide, I'll immerse you in Oaxacan culture and its origins, traversing the city's historical boundaries. This experience will unveil emblematic sites and their historical context, revealing the uniqueness of Oaxacan culture. From the charming Barrio de Jalatlaco to the iconic Parque El Llano and the fascinating Historic Center of the City of Oaxaca. Join this tour in Oaxaca de Juárez to explore the best of this city steeped in history and tradition!"
Mezcal and Mole with a Certified Sommelier
[Vegetarian / Vegan Offerings] (Spanish option for private groups) Good for groups Good for couples Join us to discover seven traditional moles accompanied by seven incredible mezcales! Led by professional sommeliers, our tasting will give you a unique framework for thinking about the diversity of mezcal — a true must if you’re in Oaxaca. Over the course of the evening, we’ll taste seven (vegetarian) handcrafted moles, seven artisanal and ancestral mezcales, all while being led by a professional sommelier. Our mezcals are carefully selected and showcase the distinct characteristics of different agaves. We’ve paired each mezcal and mole for an unforgettable experience. AGAVES: Espadiín, Destilado de Chocolate, Cuixe, Tepeztate, Mexicano, and Papalometl. Ask and discuss your impressions, learn about our rich gastronomic heritage, and meet people from all over the world who want to take their mezcal and mole experience to a new level! Other things to note We have everything you will need! Just bring yourself and get excited to taste some mezcal and mole!
Biking to The Ancient Tree of El Tule
Oaxaca's FAVORITE ride. A must do while you're here! Join this beautiful and safe bike ride to see the massive and ancient "El Tule" tree, which is famous for being the WIDEST tree in the world. We'll also visit the town of "Santa Maria del Tule", its church and its market. This is a GUIDED ride and we'll provide you with a BIKE, HELMET, TOOL KIT. We'll meet in Oaxaca city to start our journey to El Tule tree (45 min. bicycle ride from downtown [10 km or 6 miles one way]). We'll ride on a nice bike lane covered with tree shades for the most part. It's mostly flat. We'll start biking out of the city first, then towards the outskirts with views of beautiful hills, and crop fields. Once we arrive to Santa Maria, we'll take you to the tree the colorful church and the beautiful lush gardens. Here you'll LEARN interesting facts and history about the tree. Then, we'll have time to visit the food market to grab a bite/drink and to walk around the square. Finally, we'll start our ride back to Oaxaca. REQUIREMENTS: - To know how to ride a bike (EASY-MODERATE ride, 20 KM total). - MINIMUM height is 1.53 m / 5' 0 ft. WHAT´S INCLUDED: Bike, helmet and on-the-go repair tool kit. *Bikes provided are ours (not rentals), well maintained to offer a great riding experience. Other things to note: Food/drinks are NOT included. ig ivan _ valero1 *Check out my profile for other routes.
Traditional Oaxacan cooking class
What you'll do The first step will be to show you the ingredients that you can find in all Oaxacan homes, one of the advantages of our experience is that we have a garden with herbs and organic chilis. Baldo my son will share his knowledge in mezcal. We have an extend variety of agaves and homemade creations that you need to try. An open bar of mezcal is waiting for you. Snacks? Of course but you need to do Oaxacan style which includes worms, chicatanas and chapulines. Fist course we will offer chileajo tostadas and fruit water. Have you heard anything about the metate and how tortillas are made by hand? Here we will show you how to make tortillas, tetelas and memelitas. One of my specialties is salsas made in a molcajete, we will roast the ingredients over charcoal and comal. In every class we make 4 to 6 salsas depending seasonal ingredients. The mole is the emblem of our cuisine and we will make one of the 7 moles from scratch using a metate, you can’t leave our home without tasting our mole negro, chocolate de agua, café de olla, nieves and a delicious cake. Everyone will participate in the different processes, cutting ingredients from the garden, making sauces and of course eating. Remember, when you visit a house in Oaxaca you have to come with an empty stomach. Other things to note The class is available in English too. We can offer classes for vegans and vegetarians, please let us know in advance. I am very exited to show you the authentic traditional flavours of Oaxaca

All activities near Oaxaca

Hierve el Agua HALF-DAY
Behold the stunning beauty of the petrified waterfalls of Hierve el Agua formed thousands of years ago by the runoff of calcium carbonated water. A unique place where you can walk on impressive rock formations and even swim in the natural spring fed pools. Fully guided in both ENGLISH and Spanish. This is the perfect way to visit Hierve el Agua in a SMALL group, hike around the formations and relax at the pools WITHOUT the addition of UNNECESSARY stops to actually see the place up and down with no rush. We'll meet in downtown Oaxaca. Then, we´ll begin our journey to Hierve el Agua (1:30 hr. drive [70 km]). Once we arrive, we´ll start the hike to the petrified waterfalls, go to the most amazing viewpoints, hike down to the base to it from below and appreciate its stunning beauty. We´ll continue the hike and come back up to spend some time relaxing in the natural pools where you can dip your feet or even go for a full body dive. We´ll finish off trying delicious food at a local eatery in the site before driving back to Oaxaca. WHAT´S INCLUDED: - ALL entry fees and tolls included. - Comfortable private transportation. ig ivan _ valero1 Things to note: -BOOK AHEAD, as it fills up early. -Food is NOT included. -Bring a bathing suit, a towel and a change of clothes. -We will hike from the top of the falls to the bottom and back up. Expect a 30 min ascend on rocky stairs.
Traditional Oaxaca cooking class
Welcome to my home, your home! I'm Mimi Lopez Hernandez and the first thing we will do is cook our own sauce for our authentic Oaxacan breakfast. Then we will learn about the organic ingredients that we will use in our traditional Oaxaca recipe: one of the famous seven moles of Oaxaca and some delicious tamales in the style of our valley; we will make a toast with mezcal to start the experience and hands to work. Oaxacan cuisine is world represented by famous dishes that we can prepare and so you know a little more about our way of eating them, these dishes will be the ones you will take in your heart and you will learn how to do it from the beginning to the end. Don't forget that you'll be involved in each process to understand the cultural meaning of each other, you'll learn how to make tortillas by hand and put them in the comal, so come ready to participate and eat! After that, we'll eat what we prepare together. Traditional cuisine in Oaxaca is a cultural heritage and I will share with you the experience of visiting my house so that you live a totally traditional experience. Come prepared to enjoy! For your convenience the classes are available in English, with special characteristics for vegans or vegetarians, just let me know in advance. Welcome to Oaxaca!
Oaxacan Vegetarian Cooking Class
The Vegetarian Oaxacan Cooking Class, a class in English and Spanish, we will take a tour through a beautiful traditional neighborhood of Oaxaca, lend you a "chiquigüite and mandil" occupied to go to the market traditionally, we will take a tour of the Mercado neighborhood, we will pass the most beautiful churches and we will walk through parks overlooked by beautiful trees, pink, green and yellow quarry houses, I will show you beautiful parks of the colonial neighborhood and secret parks of this area of the city. In the middle of our tour we will meet some fresh organic vegetable and vegetable producers from a village near the city grown organically and harvested in the morning, then we will visit some producers in the neighborhood market, taste some snacks and buy some supplies for our Oaxacan vegetarian cooking class. We will return to our starting point to start the class and provide all the information on our menu, we will prepare everything fresh, a main course, a salad, water and even a dessert and all taken care of by a traditional stove. We will share the food and thank the mother earth and all the presenters, as well as the flavors of Oaxaca and diverse. Other things to note This cooking class was developed through deep research with people who specialize in pre-hispanic food, and we seek to spread the heritage value of Oaxacan vegetarian food.
Hierve el agua, Mitla, Mezcal tasting and Textil experience
Se recogerá al grupo entre 7:30 a 8:20 de la mañana en sus hospedajes en el centro histórico. Comenzaremos visitando el poblado de Santa Maria el Tule en donde podrás contemplar el milenario árbol del Tule, después nos adentraremos a una comunidad zapoteca en donde se conservan diferentes tradiciones como las bodas, sus formas comunitarias de organización, su lengua y el manejo de textiles de lana siendo este ultimo uno de los mas finos y laboriosos procesos artesanales de Mexico, dando como resultado piezas de arte textil superiores a marcas de lujo, para esto conoceremos un Taller familiar en la comunidad de Teotitlán del Valle. Posterior a esto nos trasladaremos a una fabrica de mezcal en donde tendremos una explicación sobre el proceso de elaboración de mezcal en la fabrica para después tener una degustación de los mismos. También visitaras la zona arqueológica en Mitla pueblo mágico. después de conocer la impresionante zona arqueológica y antes de encaminarnos a Hierve el Agua tendremos un "time food" en un buffet de comida tradicional. finalmente nos adentraremos a las comunidades de la montaña para conocer las cascadas petrificadas de hierve el agua. Al terminar el recorrido regresaremos a la ciudad de Oaxaca y terminaremos el recorrido a una cuadra del Zócalo de la ciudad.
Mezcal Journey
Hola! Somos Lily & Ricardo! Una familia oaxaqueña que cultiva agave y desde hace 5 años, también producimos nuestra propia marca de Mezcal. Nuestra aventura comienza en el centro de la ciudad de Oaxaca con rumbo a Matatlán, pueblo mejor conocido como: "La capital mundial del mezcal" al ser el mayor productor de esta bebida en todo México. Ahí visitamos una destilería artesanal para ver de cerca la producción tradicional del mezcal. Nuestro objetivo es aprender todo el proceso paso a paso y valorar todo el esfuerzo qué hay detrás de esta bebida. En nuestro recorrido tendremos la oportunidad de ver áreas privadas, que normalmente están restringidas, como una cava de reposo y añejamiento; o incluso áreas de envasado en donde podrás participar y ser parte importante del proceso. Después de aprender cómo se elabora el mezcal, realizamos la degustación, la cual es ilimitada! Ya que podrás probar tanto como desees! Además, platicaremos sobre las diferentes categorías, clases y variedades que existen. Continuamos nuestro viaje a los increíbles campos de agave, en donde podrás capturar las mejores fotos e incluso realizar actividades como plantación, corte o cosecha según la temporada. Para finalizar ofrecemos una rica y tradicional comida oaxaqueña elaborada por nuestra familia! + Sí la fecha que buscas no está disponible, por favor envíanos un mensaje! Ig: @themezcaljourney
Oaxacan Journey
Hola! Somos Beto y Lupita! Una pareja de viajeros, creadores de contenido digital, orgullosos de nuestra cultura y enamorados de las tradiciones oaxaqueñas. Te llevaremos a contemplar las majestuosas cascadas petrificadas de hierve el agua. Lugar único en el mundo (solamente existen 2 cascadas de este tipo en el planeta) Nuestra aventura comienza muy temprano para poder disfrutar del lugar sólo para nosotros, ya que bajaremos al fondo de la cascada haciendo algo de senderismo! Podrás gozar de las piscinas naturales y bañarte en ellas, tendrás el privilegio de contemplar vistas únicas y además, te ayudaremos a tomar las mejores fotos. Continuaremos nuestro recorrido en el mercado más emblemático y tradicional de la región, para disfrutar de un autentico almuerzo oaxaqueño! El famoso "Mercado de Tlacolula". Grandioso por su folklore, gastronomía y diversidad cultural. Después, visitaremos el pueblo de "Teotitlán del Valle". En donde aprenderemos la elaboración de una de las artesanías más icónicas, no sólo de Oaxaca, sino de todo México: Los tapetes de lana tejidos con pigmentos naturales. En el taller, tendremos la oportunidad de participar en las técnicas ancestrales que utilizan nuestros artesanos desde hace varias generaciones. Nuestra última parada será en el milenario árbol del Tule! Famoso por su longevidad y catalogado como el árbol con el tronco más ancho del mundo.
Guided tour in the old neighborhoods of Oaxaca
Discover Oaxaca de Juárez through a tour that delves into art, history, and geography. As a specialized guide, I'll immerse you in Oaxacan culture and its origins, traversing the city's historical boundaries. This experience will unveil emblematic sites and their historical context, revealing the uniqueness of Oaxacan culture. From the charming Barrio de Jalatlaco to the iconic Parque El Llano and the fascinating Historic Center of the City of Oaxaca. Join this tour in Oaxaca de Juárez to explore the best of this city steeped in history and tradition!"
Mezcal and Mole with a Certified Sommelier
[Vegetarian / Vegan Offerings] (Spanish option for private groups) Good for groups Good for couples Join us to discover seven traditional moles accompanied by seven incredible mezcales! Led by professional sommeliers, our tasting will give you a unique framework for thinking about the diversity of mezcal — a true must if you’re in Oaxaca. Over the course of the evening, we’ll taste seven (vegetarian) handcrafted moles, seven artisanal and ancestral mezcales, all while being led by a professional sommelier. Our mezcals are carefully selected and showcase the distinct characteristics of different agaves. We’ve paired each mezcal and mole for an unforgettable experience. AGAVES: Espadiín, Destilado de Chocolate, Cuixe, Tepeztate, Mexicano, and Papalometl. Ask and discuss your impressions, learn about our rich gastronomic heritage, and meet people from all over the world who want to take their mezcal and mole experience to a new level! Other things to note We have everything you will need! Just bring yourself and get excited to taste some mezcal and mole!
A farm to table traditional Oaxaca Cooking Class
We start the day in our family farm to introduce ourselves and Oaxacan cooking to you over coffee or hot chocolate we will choose the menu for the day where you will become the main chef of this culinary experience we will go to the farm to collect fresh herbs & veggies we will walk 4 min to the local market to buy the remaining ingredients for our Oaxacan feast Back at home will start to work with metate to transform the corn into a handmade masa to make fresh tortillas you will cook, nopales, huitlacoche, shred quesillio to make quesadillas, empanadas, tetelas in the hot Comal that works with wood fire You will have a moles tasting I Will show you how to cook different kinds of salsas to enjoy brunch After a nice break and some mezcales, we will cook a real Oaxacan 3 course meal It could be any of the most representative moles or other things, there is so many options to choose from the cooking class always is different, it’s based on your curiosity and doubts so, feel free to Choose your own mole/cooking adventure! Sip a nice mezcal and refresh yourself with a beer enjoying a real traditional oaxacan feast under the shade trees This workshop is fully hands-on and the aim of this experience is to share knowledge and teach you how to cook it at home we aim to show to our guests the magic of Oaxaca food in the real traditional way also we can accommodate food restrictions
Biking to The Ancient Tree of El Tule
Oaxaca's FAVORITE ride. A must do while you're here! Join this beautiful and safe bike ride to see the massive and ancient "El Tule" tree, which is famous for being the WIDEST tree in the world. We'll also visit the town of "Santa Maria del Tule", its church and its market. This is a GUIDED ride and we'll provide you with a BIKE, HELMET, TOOL KIT. We'll meet in Oaxaca city to start our journey to El Tule tree (45 min. bicycle ride from downtown [10 km or 6 miles one way]). We'll ride on a nice bike lane covered with tree shades for the most part. It's mostly flat. We'll start biking out of the city first, then towards the outskirts with views of beautiful hills, and crop fields. Once we arrive to Santa Maria, we'll take you to the tree the colorful church and the beautiful lush gardens. Here you'll LEARN interesting facts and history about the tree. Then, we'll have time to visit the food market to grab a bite/drink and to walk around the square. Finally, we'll start our ride back to Oaxaca. REQUIREMENTS: - To know how to ride a bike (EASY-MODERATE ride, 20 KM total). - MINIMUM height is 1.53 m / 5' 0 ft. WHAT´S INCLUDED: Bike, helmet and on-the-go repair tool kit. *Bikes provided are ours (not rentals), well maintained to offer a great riding experience. Other things to note: Food/drinks are NOT included. ig ivan _ valero1 *Check out my profile for other routes.
Visita las ruinas de Monte Alban
We will meet at our office at dowtown area close to Zocalo at 8 am(English 8 am / Spanish 9am ) or we can pick you up at your place if you close downtown area or somewhere in between (if available ), Once our group is ready our transportation (up to the size of the group) will drives us to the archaeological site of Monte Alban(30 minutes from the City approx), one of the most important archaeologicald sites of Mexico, and with one of the most beautiful views of Oaxaca. We will do a guided tour (1-1.30hrs, sometimes 2 hrs if you have many questions ), sharing what we the like most about the place,history , as well as the pyramides and musseum And after the guided tour you will have free time to explore and enjoy the site. ( 1hr minimun, if you would like to stay longer , you can take one of our shuttles back to the city every full hour , just let us know so as share more info about it ) At the meeting point we will be back to the city and be drop of at the main square of oaxaca city
Traditional Oaxacan cooking class
What you'll do The first step will be to show you the ingredients that you can find in all Oaxacan homes, one of the advantages of our experience is that we have a garden with herbs and organic chilis. Baldo my son will share his knowledge in mezcal. We have an extend variety of agaves and homemade creations that you need to try. An open bar of mezcal is waiting for you. Snacks? Of course but you need to do Oaxacan style which includes worms, chicatanas and chapulines. Fist course we will offer chileajo tostadas and fruit water. Have you heard anything about the metate and how tortillas are made by hand? Here we will show you how to make tortillas, tetelas and memelitas. One of my specialties is salsas made in a molcajete, we will roast the ingredients over charcoal and comal. In every class we make 4 to 6 salsas depending seasonal ingredients. The mole is the emblem of our cuisine and we will make one of the 7 moles from scratch using a metate, you can’t leave our home without tasting our mole negro, chocolate de agua, café de olla, nieves and a delicious cake. Everyone will participate in the different processes, cutting ingredients from the garden, making sauces and of course eating. Remember, when you visit a house in Oaxaca you have to come with an empty stomach. Other things to note The class is available in English too. We can offer classes for vegans and vegetarians, please let us know in advance. I am very exited to show you the authentic traditional flavours of Oaxaca
Tacos and Secret Bars of the city
Traveling the city at night by car is an experience that fascinates me, the city changes and we can see different aspects of both visual and customs, I will show you some of the main old neighborhoods that are around the historic center (a bit far from downtown of the city), We will have 3 stops in 2 taquerias (which are changing day by day) and at the end we will go for a couple of beers in one of my favorite bars in the city, first we will find ourselves in a garden very close to the center (Conzati Garden), we will go up to my truck and we will go to the neighborhood of Jalatlaco (one of the oldest neighborhoods of Oaxaca) we will cross the area and we will go to the first taco stop of the night. I can tell you a little about the history of the neighborhoods or we can simply enjoy the music that we especially compile for this experience. Finally we will go to a taqueria in the neighborhood of Ex Marquesado and finally we will return to the center to have a couple of beers in one of my favorite bars in the city. The experience can be shaped according to your tastes and the type of food you prefer.
Mezcal Speakeasy Oaxaca
Did you know that mezcal was prohibited a few years ago? Hello! My name is Fernando and for several years I have worked at one of the most important distilleries in Oaxaca. As a mezcal lover, I enjoy sharing the secrets of this drink with everyone. Try to discover our secret location in the heart of the central area of Oaxaca! Through our experience you will be able to enjoy at least 7 mezcales of different regions, agave varieties and different classes/categories. In addition to, of course, knowing their process. The idea is that you enjoy a pleasant night learning about the most emblematic distillery in Oaxaca, and in turn, have fun, since you can also elaborate your own accompaniments... such as the famous "Sal de Gusano" or your OWN COCKTAILS!!! So if it's your thing to travel, learn about other cultures and make friends… you are in the right place! It will be a pleasure to welcome you to our city and be that friend to help you with the best local recommendations!
Nature Walk In Hierve El Agua
The best memories in a magical walk through Hierve el Agua. We will pick you up at your accommodation or hotel in Oaxaca Centro and we will leave for Hierve el agua. Before starting the hike we will enjoy a delicious Oaxacan breakfast. Hierve el agua was sacred to the Zapotecs, they performed rituals and ceremonies dedicated to the gods of rain and fertility. This experience is unique and you will create wonderful memories that will stay with you throughout your life. You can also go hiking and swim in the wonderful semi-natural pools. The next place to visit is a workshop by a weaving family in Teotitlán del Valle to learn about the process of the famous Tapetes or tapestries, from carding to natural dyeing. Our last visit will be to a mezcal factory, you will have the opportunity to learn about the mezcal process and try different mezcals from different agaves. Other notable aspects This experiencie does not inclide access to Hierve el agua park $50.00 MXN per person. This experiencie does include a Oaxacan breakfast. Come with us to live this experience.
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