Unique things to do in Isere

Unique things to do in Isere

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

Paragliding Annecy my playground parapente
We meet at the Doussard landing 30 MINUTES BEFORE FOR CHECK IN ( don't be late), you will be taken care of by a team of professionals, all state certified. Direction the Col de la Forclaz with its breathtaking view of the entire lake. We will fly in a majestic setting above the lake and the Annecy terrain, initiation to piloting and for the more intrepid a few aerobatic figures to then land gently, an essential activity in the region, good flight. *** IMPORTANT SAFETY RULES *** Paragliding is an activity in the great outdoors, dependent on climatic and meteorological conditions: DESCRIPTION OF FLIGHTS: - Discovery flight - practiced in the mornings - exclusively reserved for people weighing between 20 and 65 kg (rules cannot be circumvented). This flight lasts 12 to 15 minutes. (100 euros) - Ascension flight - practiced in the afternoons - intended for people weighing 50 to 85 kilos. The duration of this flight is between 20 and 25 minutes which depends on the breeze conditions. (120 euros) - Prestige flight - practiced on an afternoon slot where the breezes are the most generous and allow you to fly higher and further. Flight time between 35 and 40 minutes.50 to 90 k (150 euros) two slots only, 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Consult me - tandem qualification for disabled person. PHOTO AND VIDEO OPTION not included in flight fares. contact us for more details
Lyon Highlights & Secrets Tour
You will plunge into the exciting stories that Lyon hides. Stories, anecdotes and legends that create unforgettable memories - as do its outstanding museums, dynamic cultural life, its past as a France's foremost publishing center, capital of the Three Gauls and "capitale de la Résistance française" and all the facts that have turned Lyon into France's gastronomical capital. The visit is with a small group and just in one language. During the 3 hours we will spend together you will linger in the major monuments but also discover the most awe-inspiring hidden secret places. The world is a book and those who do not travel and discover read only one page. *Don't hesitate to contact us if you want us to host the experience at a different time, if the experience is already fully-booked or if you want us to organise a personalised and private experience in English, French or Spanish.
The most beautiful viewpoints of Lake Annecy
I will give you a topo on the hike. Then we will start hiking with breaks of course to appreciate the landscape, the surrounding mountains .... Once at the top, you will have time to rest, picnic, enjoy the view, the sunset if the hike is done at the end of the day, before starting the descent. We will make loops as much as possible so as not to repeat the same route and thus enjoy other landscapes. I will adapt without problem so that you have a good time! Other things to note You will need a pair of hiking shoes. Sneakers may even suffice depending on the hike chosen. Possibly trekking poles if you feel better with it. You will need water and possibly a picnic if you wish. I can also do it
Unique cooking experience at Sibylle's
Today, living in Annecy, the « Little Venise of the Alpes », 30 minutes away from Geneva, I find inspiration in the regional and local products the region has to offer, in order to create an inventive and generous French cuisine. This is why I propose you a day of "cooking and sharing" : a typical French culinary experience. 8:30 am Visit of the local market ( tuesday and friday) in the Old town of Annecy in the heart of the historical district. We will meet the local producers of cheese, fruits and veggies. We will stop in local shops and buy all the necessary ingredients to elaborate the recipes for our meal. 10:30 am Together we will cut, slice, boil, simmer and cook an enjoyable French seasonal lunch. 13:00 pm A table ! Let's eat together at a beautifully dressed table with silverware, crystal, and « Limoges » dishes. A glass of AOC ( origin controlled appellation ) regional wine will be served if you wish. Leaving with the recipes you made, and with great memories of our day, get ready to impress your friends and family back home. Let's get in touch ! Other things to note If you wish to share the cooking experience without the market, just let me know. On thursdays, because there is no market, we go directly to my place to do our cooking.
Dark tales of Lyon
Lyon, contrary to what many think, isn't just made of lights...Come and get lost in the dark legends which gave the city its devilish reputation. We’ll start out tour in the Saint George district, shuned even by tourists, where we’ll search for evil spirits. Then, we’ll cross the Saône River to get to the magnificent Celestins Theatre to listen to the story of a particular guest… We will go back to the Vieux-Lyon district to admire the Saint Jean Cathedral which hides secrets mostly unheared of. We will continue through the Rue du Boeuf, the most Michelin-starred of France, to uncover pagan rituals, and we will keep thrilling with stories of enigmatic water-diviners and beings from other worlds. Last but not leat, we’ll finish our tour on Terreaux Square, before the Palais des Beaux-Arts, rocked by the spectral voices of the dark nuns who gave the building a most sulphurous fame. NOTE: The tour is also suitable for children, the storytelling can be adapted to any type of audience. However, it is the parents' liability to judge of the sensibility of their children. Remember that we'll be talking about dark and evil stories. WARNING!! The tour is offered in French. Please write in a message that you want the tour to be conducted in English, and I will manage to do so. Regarding the current Covid-19 restrictions and the curfew, the tour cannot be conducted at night. Avoir high heels due to cobblestones.

All activities near Isere

Découverte d'un domaine viticole alpin
Nous vous accueillons au domaine de l'Idylle, se trouvant aux portes de Chambéry à Cruet, pour une visite de cave immersive. Un petit tour dans les vignes entourées de montagnes vous permettra déjà de comprendre l'histoire du domaine et sa façon de conduire ses vignes. La suite de la visite vous conduira dans nos chais où nous vous expliquerons les différentes étapes de vinification et d'élevage. Ensuite, vous découvrirez nos cépages locaux (Jacquère, Altesse, Persan, Mondeuse) et bien d'autres, grâce à une dégustation de notre gamme variée. Vous pourrez déguster jusqu'à 6 vins accompagné du maitre de chai ou du vigneron qui pourront vous guider tout au long de votre dégustation. Les horaires peuvent variés. N'hésitez pas à envoyer un message sur Airbnb ou de téléphoner pour avoir plus d'information. Pour les visites le samedi, il est préférable de téléphoner ou envoyer un message avant de réserver.
Paragliding Annecy my playground parapente
We meet at the Doussard landing 30 MINUTES BEFORE FOR CHECK IN ( don't be late), you will be taken care of by a team of professionals, all state certified. Direction the Col de la Forclaz with its breathtaking view of the entire lake. We will fly in a majestic setting above the lake and the Annecy terrain, initiation to piloting and for the more intrepid a few aerobatic figures to then land gently, an essential activity in the region, good flight. *** IMPORTANT SAFETY RULES *** Paragliding is an activity in the great outdoors, dependent on climatic and meteorological conditions: DESCRIPTION OF FLIGHTS: - Discovery flight - practiced in the mornings - exclusively reserved for people weighing between 20 and 65 kg (rules cannot be circumvented). This flight lasts 12 to 15 minutes. (100 euros) - Ascension flight - practiced in the afternoons - intended for people weighing 50 to 85 kilos. The duration of this flight is between 20 and 25 minutes which depends on the breeze conditions. (120 euros) - Prestige flight - practiced on an afternoon slot where the breezes are the most generous and allow you to fly higher and further. Flight time between 35 and 40 minutes.50 to 90 k (150 euros) two slots only, 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Consult me - tandem qualification for disabled person. PHOTO AND VIDEO OPTION not included in flight fares. contact us for more details
No Diet Club - Our best food tour in Lyon
All food is included :) We have finally arrived in Lyon ! The Capital of French gastronomy. After Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and Nice, we found ourselves obligated to hunt for our favorite addresses in this city! We knew that the food level would be insane and it surely didn’t disappoint. As per usual, we have surrounded ourselves with locals who know their city like the back of their hand in order to present to you the best addresses in town while remaining as far as possible from the downtown tourist traps. In the program ? Specialties from Lyon and many more such as praluline, charcuterie board with regional cheeses, an exceptional burger, hazelnut pillows et many more surprises :) (The tastings may vary) (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME) ▶ What we do offer ✔ - Many tastings to share - Local specialties but not just that - A beautiful stroll through our favorite Lyon neighborhoods - Fun - Crappy jokes - Smiles - A list of recommendations in Lyon - New friends from all over the WORLD
You dream of flying like a bird
For this experience from your reservation, I will contact you to make an appointment. Depending on your availability, you will be offered a flight schedule. Thereafter, I will give you an update on the weather conditions, I will decide whether to maintain the flight or not. If the conditions are good, I give you an appointment at the landing and we will go to the flight site with the school shuttle or with a funicular ride. A briefing will be given to you on the flight site and you will be equipped. You are ready for the big flight with its breathtaking panorama. Here you go for a walk in a magical setting that will leave you speechless. You will feel light as a feather and take away. You will be able to contemplate the wild fauna that you cannot see elsewhere, Chamois and raptors on the side of the cliff. At the end of the flight, I offer you a little soft acrobatics or a little piloting of the paraglider according to your desires and the aerological conditions. During the flight over the landing field, you will be briefed for the return to earth. After your emotions, we will share your smiles and video photos. Activity time, allow 1 hour of activity. Other things to note Attention, for those which are not motorized and which comes from Grenoble by bus, consult the timetables and contact the Grenoble bus station ... It is imperative to be at the meeting one hour before the flight time. .
Lyon Highlights & Secrets Tour
You will plunge into the exciting stories that Lyon hides. Stories, anecdotes and legends that create unforgettable memories - as do its outstanding museums, dynamic cultural life, its past as a France's foremost publishing center, capital of the Three Gauls and "capitale de la Résistance française" and all the facts that have turned Lyon into France's gastronomical capital. The visit is with a small group and just in one language. During the 3 hours we will spend together you will linger in the major monuments but also discover the most awe-inspiring hidden secret places. The world is a book and those who do not travel and discover read only one page. *Don't hesitate to contact us if you want us to host the experience at a different time, if the experience is already fully-booked or if you want us to organise a personalised and private experience in English, French or Spanish.
Apéro au sommet, rando-dégustation de produits locaux
C'est parti pour découvrir le côté gastronomique de la montagne ! Après une courte rando facile en soirée, nous choisirons un site panoramique pour déguster les spécialités locales que nous avons sélectionné auprès de producteurs engagés et passionnés. Avec des amis, en famille ou avec des collègues, vous partagerez un moment de convivialité dans la belle ambiance de fin de journée en découvrant ce que notre région produit de meilleur. Nous avons sélectionné les producteurs pour la qualité de leur produits, leur proximité et leur engagement durable. Vous pourrez goûter les fromages, charcuterie, fruits, vin, bière ou jus de fruits issus de notre terroir. Nous partirons à 18h pour une rando/balade de moins d'une heure et d'environ 200m de dénivelée. Nous serons de retour vers 20h/20h30. Si vous avez des régimes spéciaux ou des envies particulières n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Vous pouvez également décider de privatiser la sortie pour rester dans l'intimité de votre groupe. Nous consulter pour les tarifs.
Balade de l'herboriste, découvrir la richesse de la flore
La balade de l'herboriste (en Français) 2h30 pour découvrir les merveilles de la Nature, la flore locale, et les jolis points de vue de Génissieux. Balade accessible à tous, sur les hauteurs de Génissieux. Grands et petits, venez vous émerveiller et profiter encore des beaux jours pour vous ressourcer au contact de Dame Nature. Pour les plus studieux, carnet et stylo à emporter pour prendre des notes sur les mauvaises herbes, qui finalement ne sont pas si mauvaises que ça ! Des sauvages comestibles mais aussi des sauvages médicinales ⚘️ l'herboriste que je suis vous émerveillera sur la richesse du monde végétal. Rdv à 13h30 Place du Dauphiné à Génissieux Prévoir tenue adéquate. => Balade maintenue en cas de pluie => Balade d'environ 2-3kms
Tour of Lake Annecy in Morgan
I suggest you meet us on avenue d'Albigny, facing the lake and the Pâquier esplanade. Our tour will take place clockwise around Lake Annecy. We step over the step and get into the Morgan. Let’s close our eyes for a moment to breathe in the smell of leather, we’re in the 1930s (when this car was designed). We open our eyes and raise our heads, the sky is blue, everything is perfect for a journey back in time. Engine, let's go. Very quickly, the breeze that caresses our cheeks intoxicates us with happiness. We will go along the lake, towards Veyrier-du-Lac. I will make you discover magic places. We will chain the villages: Menthon-Saint-Bernard where we will ride by the lake and admire its pontoons and its Palace feet in the water. The lake is beautiful up close but you have to know how to climb up. We will climb to the Col de la Forclaz from where we can admire the lake in its entirety (exceptional panorama). Take-off site for paragliders and hang gliders. After this oxygenating halt, return on board our fabulous craft towards the lake and the town of Talloires renowned for its magnificent bay and its luxury hotels. Resumption of our road towards Angon and return by the west coast, closer to the lake while passing in front of the castle of Duingt, Saint-Jorioz, Sévrier and arrival in Annecy. Other things to note Knowing that we roll "hair in the wind", plan: - What to tie the hair, a cap or a hat - A pair of sunglasses (for sun and wind) - A vest, sweatshirt or jacket (windbreaker), even in summer - Warm clothes in winter - A water bottle
The most beautiful viewpoints of Lake Annecy
I will give you a topo on the hike. Then we will start hiking with breaks of course to appreciate the landscape, the surrounding mountains .... Once at the top, you will have time to rest, picnic, enjoy the view, the sunset if the hike is done at the end of the day, before starting the descent. We will make loops as much as possible so as not to repeat the same route and thus enjoy other landscapes. I will adapt without problem so that you have a good time! Other things to note You will need a pair of hiking shoes. Sneakers may even suffice depending on the hike chosen. Possibly trekking poles if you feel better with it. You will need water and possibly a picnic if you wish. I can also do it
Vol en parapente au-dessus du lac d'Annecy
Venez découvrir le baptême en parapente au dessus du lac d’Annecy! ATTENTION: Le vol dure entre 10 et 15 min et il faudra compter 1 heure pour l'ensemble de la prestation. Un baptême de parapente (vol en biplace) est accessible à tous, petits et grands. Ce n’est qu’une question d’envie ! Nous décollons du Col de la Forclaz pendant la période estivale d’avril à octobre pour un vol magique, dans un paysage unique, entre lac et montagne. Choisissez votre vol en fonction de vos envies: un baptême en parapente, un vol sur les hauteurs, un vol avec des sensations fortes ou un vol itinérant entre massifs des Bornes et Aravis.
Canyoning on Annecy Lake
The Angon Canyon is the must-see canyon of Haute-Savoie! I welcome you down the canyon to explain the operation of the exit and equip you with the appropriate equipment. From there we will make a short walk to go to start and start the canyon, you will descend waterfalls up to 40 meters and well watered, all with a breathtaking view of the mythical Lake Annecy! The second part of the course is more fun with some surprising slides. This canyon is dotted with reminders and aquatic passages, it's a real pleasure. Take a trip to Angon Canyon for a thrilling ride! The forest around makes the setting fantastic and the atmosphere unique. The water is calm and clean. Other things to note You will perform an activity in an exceptional setting! The canyoning will allow you to have fun and to surpass you, in the program jumps, toboggans and reminder.
Découverte des plantes sauvages comestibles de montagne
Et si on goûtait la montagne ? Pendant votre rando, ne passez pas à côté des trésors cachés parmi les plantes sauvages. Avez-vous déjà senti l'odeur subtile de l'achillée ou goûté les graines de la berce ? Et savez-vous pourquoi la pimprenelle est appelée herbe aux charpentiers ? Ou comment reconnaître l'arnica ? Au cours des siècles les populations de montagne ont appris à reconnaître les plantes comestibles et utiles. Le paysage est devenu leur compagnon et leur allié. Pour nourrir et soigner la famille mais aussi les troupeaux. Au cours d'une balade facile sur un espace naturel protégé, vous apprendrez à reconnaître les différentes familles de plantes pour éviter la confusion avec les espèces toxiques. Je partagerai avec vous en fin de sorties quelques recettes sauvages et repartirez avec un regard différent sur les "mauvaises herbes".
Unique cooking experience at Sibylle's
Today, living in Annecy, the « Little Venise of the Alpes », 30 minutes away from Geneva, I find inspiration in the regional and local products the region has to offer, in order to create an inventive and generous French cuisine. This is why I propose you a day of "cooking and sharing" : a typical French culinary experience. 8:30 am Visit of the local market ( tuesday and friday) in the Old town of Annecy in the heart of the historical district. We will meet the local producers of cheese, fruits and veggies. We will stop in local shops and buy all the necessary ingredients to elaborate the recipes for our meal. 10:30 am Together we will cut, slice, boil, simmer and cook an enjoyable French seasonal lunch. 13:00 pm A table ! Let's eat together at a beautifully dressed table with silverware, crystal, and « Limoges » dishes. A glass of AOC ( origin controlled appellation ) regional wine will be served if you wish. Leaving with the recipes you made, and with great memories of our day, get ready to impress your friends and family back home. Let's get in touch ! Other things to note If you wish to share the cooking experience without the market, just let me know. On thursdays, because there is no market, we go directly to my place to do our cooking.
Angon Canyon Discovery
This descent which travels the bottom of the canyon of Angon is ideal for a first experience in canyoning and accessible to children from 10 years old. I welcome you at its base of canyon situated in quoted by the canyon of Angon, by the lake of Annecy. Angon is a small village at 30 minutes of Annecy located at the water’s edge just after Talloires. You can take advantage of it to make a small bathing in the lake with a free access for the beach of the Espace Lac. Once equipped with a wetsuit in neoprene, a helmet and a harness, we will go for a little hike with in the direction of the canyon. A small walking of 20 minutes later, we will be at the start of the canyon. Before beginning the descent, I will make you a briefing to explain you the safety instructions and techniques to go well : abseil, jump, walk, swim or slide. The descent of the canyon lasts for an hour and a half punctuated by short portions of walking and swimming and three abseiling (the largest is 18 meters high) where you descend in autonomy or belayed by myself ... The Angon canyon also has many beautiful slides and some jumps (maximum 5 meters depending on the conditions) Other things to note It is necessary to have a minimum of physical condition, to know to swim and not to be afraid to have the head under water. I guide you and help you along the way.
Initiez-vous à la pratique de la céramique
Je vous propose une initiation au travail de l'argile. Selon votre envie, nous utiliserons le tour de potier la méthode de l'estampage pour réaliser vos pièces. Je vous guiderai du début à la fin dans la créations de vos oeuvres! Selon votre envie du moment, -Vous ferez le choix du moule qui correspond à votre gout pour ensuite réaliserez la plaque d'argile que vous estamperai dans ce moule. Après avoir soigneusement modelé vos assiettes vous pourrez réaliser votre propre décor à partir d'engobe de porcelaine (porcelaine colorée qui nous serre de gouache). Vous pourrez aussi cueillir des végétaux dans le vaste jardin qui entour l'atelier afin de faire des impression sur votre pièce. -Je vous guiderai du début è la fin dans la réalisation d'une pièce sur le tour de potier. Je vous enseigne les gestes pour y arriver et vous y assiste. Vos pièces seront cuites et émaillées par mes soins et vous seront envoyé par la poste un mois plus tard. *DES FRAIS SUPPLÉMENTAIRES S'APPLIQUENT POUR L'ENVOI DES PIÈCES*
  1. Airbnb
  2. France
  3. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  4. Isere