Unique things to do in Emporda

Unique things to do in Emporda

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All activities near Emporda

Rutas a Caballo en el Alt Empordà, Costa Brava
Acompáñame a descubrir el Alt Empordà de una manera única a lomos de un caballo. Disponemos de rutas a caballo para todos los niveles, descubriremos paisajes memorables en un entorno único, en grupos reducidos de máximo 6 personas, siempre acompañados de guías titulados, lo que proporcionará seguridad y tranquilidad a nuestra experiencia. Consulta por nuestras opciones con desayuno, almuerzo y picnic, estamos seguros de que les encantará. Tendrás la opción de disfrutar de un delicioso desayuno o comida al finalizar su paseo a caballo. Nuestras monturas de cuero de alta calidad se adaptan perfectamente a nuestros jinetes como a los caballos lo que nos proporcionará la máxima comodidad.
Discover Salvador Dalí's House
You will participate in a Private Guided visit in a Mordenista Building - MAS ROGER HOUSE - Built 1900, where Salvador Dalí's Family lived. We will see a restored Modernist house. We will go to see the rooms where he lived and painted the first works of Salvador Dalí. We will discover different places from where the artist was inspired to paint his works. Other things to note We will adapt to your needs!
Bautizo de Mar Discover diving
Una vez que llegues al punto de encuentro en Tossa de Mar comenzaremos la actividad con una intro teórica para explicarte todo y seguidamente nos equiparemos y desplazaremos a la Mar menuda en Tossa de Mar donde bucearemos juntos y descubrirás los maravillosos e únicos fondos marinos y, si hay suerte, los caballitos de mar, únicos! Una vez acabado el buceo podrás tomar una ducha y te entregaré los videos que te voy a grabar durante el buceo al instante
Discover Girona with a local guide
Girona fue fundada por los Romanos hace más de 2000 años y por su situación geográfica ha tenido que defenderse de todo tipo de invasiones, batallas, y guerras. Íberos, romanos, visigodos, árabes, francos, todos han dejado su huella aquí. Nuestra visita es un recorrido a pie por el barrio antiguo de la ciudad donde se encuentran todos los tesoros que encierra esta pequeña ciudad para descubrir toda esa historia. Nuestro tour empieza en Plaça Sant Feliu desde donde se pueden observar las casas coloreadas. Visitaremos los barrios Medieval y Judío, calles estrechas y empedradas, alguna de ellas cerradas durante siglos. Pasearemos sobre las murallas para ver la ciudad desde la parte más alta, iglesias, palacios, museos, sin duda el corazón de la ciudad en la edad media. El barrio Judío también conocido como "Call" es uno de los mejores conservados de Europa, en él podrán descubrir la historia y los secretos que encierra cada rincón y cada piedra, las leyendas más importantes de Girona, también veremos los puentes más famosos sobre el Río Onyar, como el construido por Gustave Eiffel, la zona de pequeños comercios y restaurantes. Esta completa visita a la ciudad dura unas 3 horas y no incluye visitas al interior de monumentos o museos. Para llegar a Girona desde Barcelona la mejor opción es el tren de alta velocidad AVANT que tarda solo 35 minutos. 20 minutos a pie hasta el centro
Taste Costa Brava with Private Chef
Take advantage of our group discounts! ★ 10% OFF — groups from 4 to 5 guests ★ 15% OFF — groups of +6 guests "The idea of ​​this experience is to spend a moment together, cook together (with the possibility of cooking classes) and share my experience in the kitchen as well as get to know the products of this magnificent region, l'Empordà. My cooking style is all about the product, sharing, and passion. I want to help you have a good time, and create memories around the table. I can adapt to any food restriction. " Learn the secrets hidden within each dish, and enjoy a delicious multi-course meal. Get ready to discover the taste of Costa Brava with your very own private chef without leaving your own dining room! I will arrive before your preferred dining time in order to begin working my magic. I won't arrive empty-handed! No-no, I will show up at your doorstep equipped with every ingredient needed in order to prepare your meal. Feel free to put your apron on and cook some of the dishes with me! I am eager to share with you the secrets behind my recipes and Costa Brava's local hidden treasures. Not in the mood? Well then lay down, relax, enjoy a few appetizers and allow me and my team to take care of you. Please note that to book an experience there is a minimum of 2 guests required.
Explorons les criques trésor de Cadaqués
« Quitter un moment le monde des Terriens et partager avec nous celui des Merriens de Cadaqués » Je suis arrivé pour la première fois à Cadaqués depuis la mer et c'est une image idyllique qui ne m'a jamais quitté. Celle d'une connexion parfaite en harmonie entre la mer et la terre... C'est cette sensation que j'aimerais partager avec vous. Nous avons la chance avec ma famille depuis d'avoir un bateau qui nous permet d'explorer la magie des petites criques autrement inaccessible par la terre. Là où notre bateau devient littéralement une petite île flottante sur laquelle nous partageons un pic nic apéro et autour de laquelle nous pouvons nager dans des eaux absolument magnifiques en plein cœur du parc national du Cap de Creus. Une chasse au trésor des plus belles criques et vue de Cadaqués, nos coins secrets ! ;-) Le programme; Nous embarquerons selon la météo, devant la maison de Dalí ou plus au centre de Cadaqués. Nous naviguerons au cap creus pour vous donner une vision d'ensemble et sentir la liberté qui est celle de glisser sur l'eau ...! Puis nous choisirons l'une des petites criques la plus protégé possible afin de jeter l'ancre et d'ouvrir le bal ; baignade, exploration snorkling pic nic apéro, bains de soleil.. Normalement, à cette étape, « le Stress » est devenu une notion très très abstraite et lointaine ;-) Nous rentrerons tranquillement pour vous déposer à Cadaqués
Girona Game of Thrones Walking Tour
The tour runs along the old quarter of Girona city, narrow cobbled streets that didn't need almost nothing to become King's Landing and Bravoos in Game of Thrones serie. You will see all the filming locations in Girona city, everyone inside the labyrinth of narrow streets that form the city's Jewish and Medieval neighborhood. Not easy to find them if you are not local. Our guide will have an Ipad to show you the images of the serie in each location to compare with the real spots. This way you will learn not only about the film and its secrets, but also about the history of every corner that you are visiting. You will be able to discover parts of the city that without our help will be very difficult to find it. Are you bored by history tours? With this tour you will enjoy a combination of the real history of the city and the sixth season of Game of Thrones. It's a must do if you are fan of Game of Trones! Other things to note Girona is a city with a lot of steps and slopes, so we recommend you to wear comfortable shoes, a cap and sunscreen.
Yoga with sunflow by the beach & explore a medieval town
Hi, everyone, I am Cici,I am a certificated Yin& Vinyasaflow yoga teacher and a certificated chakra healing therapist. I will bring you a special body and mind relaxing yoga journey. In the class, I will mixed Yin & Yang Yoga including chanting mantra &meditation & yoga asana , like the music rhythm , I will teach class depending on the students’ level. During the yoga journey, you will touch the nature and immerse the care of your body & mind with sunshine &ocean flow. Connect with Inner ME, and meet your potential energy you haven’t noticed yet to bring you a blissful day( open for any levels, including ‘zero ‘ yoga experience) After this special yoga retreat, you can have a coffee in a very cozy pretty beach cafeteria and explore this medieval town, hiking a little hill, you can see all the mediterranean horizon under your feet, how amazing! Our town is also super famous for restaurants in the catalunya, many people come to here only for food experience. Besides,there is a beautiful sailing harbor.
Get inspired in the Ampurdán countryside
We want to give you a very special day, as if you were living a unique country day experience, just like our ancestors did! Upon arrival you will have a tasting of Ampurdán wines and specialties (cold meats, cheeses, bread with tomato, etc.). Second (with a glass of wine if you want), we will take a guided tour of the more than 3 hectares of land that the estate has (30.000m² / 323k sqft), where you will enjoy nature and walk among elms, oaks and rows of centuries-old olive trees. We will also explain to you about the mother vineyard plantation, the current farm plantation and its different uses in the wine world, and we will also see the orchard, the chickens and the water base used for watering the plantations. If you dare, you can drive Alvaro's tractor, a great experience without a doubt. Third, we will do a ceramic workshop, where we will explain a little history about the ceramics and how it is obtained, and you can make with your own hands objects that you can take home as a souvenir. Then, we will go out to eat a delicious fresh seafood paella made with wood embers from the farm itself and hand-cut by Alvaro. There will also be salad and organic vegetables from the orchard. Finally, we will have live music with Alvaro, he will play classic topics, whoever wants can propose songs and sing
Yoga with ocean views, Costa Brava
Sailing along the Costa Brava
Welcome to my sailing yacht Padu. She is a very fast cruiser racer made in Finnland. Padu has a length of 12 m (40 feet) and a very comfortable seaworthy interior. Before we will start I'll introduce you into the facilities on board and into the safty equipment. So you feel comfortable on board. Depending on the wind and sailing conditions we will sail southward down to L`Escala and the Medes Islands, crossing the Bay of Roses. Or we will sail northward to Cap de Norfeu to see the Bays of Montjoi and Pelosa or perhaps the Bay of Cadaques too. Both coast trips have bays with cristal turquoise water for swimming and snorceling. Or simply we will chill in the sunset, listening music or having a drink. If you like to make a full day trip to sail to Cap de Creus with its moonlike landscape and very nice bays for swimming and snorkeling or even to sail some days I would be glad to arrange it. Please contact me. Those who wish can not only sail. You can stay overnight. Look at places to stay "Living and Chilling on PADU" Kid's are welcome with their families providing they are able to swim (its very important). Other things to note Please protect yourself with suncream and sunglasses! This experience depends on the weather an
Sweet Pilates at the beach -L'Escala
Powerful and sweet Pilates session in front of the sea at the Costa Brava's beach! You don't need any prior experience to join this experience, I'll adapt the class to your level and needs. Enjoy of the sunny weather of Costa Brava en L'Escala, breathe fresh and clean air while practicing the perfect workout for any season. Here you can take advantage of the benefits of the sea, the sand and the sounds of nature. A unique experience inclusive of warm-up and final deep stretching to return home like anew. This Pilates class will improve your mood and it will align and strengthen the full body. No props needed, bring only your own mat and a bottle of water :) this experience is also great for a group. Book the session, bring your mat and I see you there! *exact location and point of encounter will be communicated after reservation
Shape your own skateboard!
Create a work of art that you can ride. You’ll pick your board’s form; shapes include classic ovals, fishtails and pintails for speed. I’ll teach you how to use the carving and sanding tools. Then comes the fun part—designing an image for your deck. We’ll let our imaginations and spray paint fly as we decorate our boards. The finished piece will be perfect for cruising—and beautiful enough to hang on a wall. Set of trucks and wheels are not include at the price, but i do have some perfect sets for your Ayma skateboards for sell: 65 euros for pair of sets! These trucks and wheels will make you have an incredibly smooth and nice ride. The average price in a shop for a set of trucks of this quality it's around 130 euros. Other things to note Bring all your creativity and good vibes! if you are coming by train. (TEXT ME BEFORE SO I COULD COME AND PICK YOU UP AT THE TRAIN STATION) From Barcelona: -Barcelona sants: 9:01 R2 Line direction sant celoni -Barcelona passeig de gracia: 9:06 R2 Line direction sant celoni -Barcelona clot arago: 9:10 R2 Line direction sant celoni Les franqueses- granollers nord arrive at 9:40 From the train station, it takes 10 min walk to the workshop.
Hot air balloon over la Garrotxa
A flight in a hot air balloon is a different way of travelling, float in the air, in pure peace and quiet. Enjoy the feeling of absolute freedom, perfect stillness and adventure. We have an adapted hot air balloon for old people, wheelchairs users or with reduced mobility. A dream of flying can be true at Vol de Coloms, where all services and installations are 100% accessible for people of reduced mobility. The activity begins bright and early in the morning (between 07:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.) in Vol de Coloms facilities, next to Croscat volcano. You will enjoy a cup of coffee and a pastry meanwhile we are preparing the hot air balloons. Flight takes approximately 1 hour to 1 hour 30 min, the wind decides our flight path. During the flight we make a toast with pink cava, which symbolizes the colour of the volcanoes and try a slice of coca de llardons, a delicious local cake. Once back on solid ground, we come back to Vol de Coloms facilities, which are for exclusive use by our passengers and their companions. There you will be able to enjoy a hearty cooked breakfast of bread and tomato, Santa Pau haricot beans and botifarra a Catalan national dish, desserts from Cooperativa la Fageda, wine and ratafia, a local herbal liquor. Finally, we give a flight diploma. We will call 2 or 3 days before the flight
Enjoy authentic paella in a cottage
Every traveler looking for a local cultural classic should look no further than the joy of sitting down to a freshly-made paella in a beautiful home deep in the countryside. Sitting at a table at Mas Valoria is like sitting at a table in the middle of a field surrounded by woodland. While enjoying a starter of local, fresh produce, travelers will be able to watch their main course being prepared. As is the case at any Mediterranean table an authentic homemade dessert will be offered to finish off the meal, during which diners will enjoy homemade bread and locally sourced wines.
  1. Airbnb
  2. Spain
  3. Catalonia
  4. Girona Region
  5. Emporda