
9,169 reviews
4.7 Rating
8 Years hosting

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About NaiBnB

My work: Self-employed
Speaks Chinese, English, and French
Lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
* English * After spending the last 13 years in France, I've decided to move back to my homeland Malaysia the beginning of 2016. I love stories and talking to people and you will often see me asking "How's things going in *your_country_here*?" I would love to meet all of you and hear your stories! * 中文 * 在法国住了十三年后,我决定回到马来西亚这片我出生和长大的土地。我喜欢和世界各地的朋友聊天,了解你们国家最新的进展和最近发生的有趣的事。千万记得和我分享哦! * Français * Après avoir passé 13 ans en France, j' ai décidé de retourner dans mon pays natal la Malaisie à…

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