Airbnb Experiences

Find fun things to do as a team in New York

These team-building Experiences are available for private groups

Create camaraderie
Help your teams get to know each other by celebrating in a different setting.
Cheer on wins
Honor great work by getting out and doing something fun.
Inspire new thinking
Choose from diverse, immersive activities led by local Hosts.

Check out top-booked Experiences for private groups

United States
Sailing Tour New York with Brooklyn Sail
United States
Graffiti Workshop Brooklyn
United States
Turkish Coffee + Fortune

Trade the office for outside

United States
Hasidic Brooklyn
United States
Secret Places of Central Park
United States
Contrasts Of Brooklyn

Eat, cook, and sip as a group

United States
New York Sandwich Tour
United States
Turkish Coffee + Fortune
United States
Taste NY's Top Food Neighborhood

Get creative together

United States
Graffiti Workshop Brooklyn
United States
An African Dance & Cultural Experience
United States
Chelsea’s finest art galleries

Plan a team happy hour and social

United States
Sailing Tour New York with Brooklyn Sail
United States
Harlem Jazz Tour
United States
Puerto Rican Cooking and Cocktails

Fun for them, made easy for you

Plan activities with ease
Select a date and time that works for you, reach out with any special requests, and add your team right to the booking.
Enjoy peace of mind
Hosts are committed and attested to Airbnb’s COVID-19 safety guidelines.
Gift something meaningful
Cheer on individual employees with a gift card that lets them book something fun for their time off.

Want to offer Experiences to your company?

Fill out a quick form and we’ll reach out to help you start planning.